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In my dream, I see blind salesmen, telegraphers, musicians, piano tuners and electricians, and other men making brooms, brushes, mattresses and furniture now so often made by prison labor.

Supposedly expert tuners were constantly being called in to do things to it and nothing they did ever seemed to afford Paula any satisfaction. Novelli to have played upon last night. John missed none of that. He hadn't been observing his sister during half a century for nothing. He glanced over to see how much of it his wife took in; but the fact, in this instance, was all that interested Paula.

Another Vanderbilt weddin'. That sounds like goluf, but it ain't. Newport society livin' in Mrs. Potther Pammer's cellar. Green-goods men declare f'r honest money. Anson in foorth place some more. Pianny tuners f'r McKinley. Li Hung Chang smells a rat. Abner McKinley supports th' goold standard. Wait a minyit. Here it is: 'Goluf in gay attire. Let me see. H'm. 'Foozled his aproach, nasty thing.

She seemed in capital health and spirits, and had so much to say that was bright and interesting that Oswald Everard found himself becoming reconciled to the whole race of tuners. He was amazed to learn that she had walked all the way from Z , and quite alone, too. "Oh, I don't think anything of that," she said; "I had a splendid time, and I caught four rare butterflies.

His implement, John's quick eye noticed, was not the long-handled L shaped affair he had always seen tuners use but a T shaped thing that put the tuner's hand exactly above the pin. "It must take an immense amount of strength," he observed, "to tune a piano with a wrench like that." March turned and with a pleasant sort of smile wished him a good morning.

And, as a bit of Red Cross service, let us employ the blind; let us create a demand for their labor; let us ask for work made by the blind, and tell our friends to ask for it; let us buy our newspapers from the men on the streets, and let us give our magazine subscriptions to blind men who have subscription agencies; let us patronize blind lawyers, osteopaths, salesmen, piano tuners and musicians.

What if they had fallen into other hands as adventurous as his? Quickly he decided that she must never know the truth. He would never let her know that he was aware of the strange expedient to which she had been driven by her great distress. "One of our piano tuners lives in this house," he said. "I knocked at your door by mistake."

"That I could help," said Arnold, as he took his tuning-key out of his pocket. "Oh, you are one of those tuners," said the old man, relieved; "my girls have been looking out for one." Arnold seated himself at the piano. The old people went in and out of the room, but presently came back when he began to play. They sat in silent listening. "When Arnold came to a pause, the old man said,

"We'll not do that," cried the boys in chorus. Nevertheless in spite of the promise there were few opportunities during the next few days for either of them to go a-visiting. The New York electricians arrived and with them came aerials, generators, detectors, tuners, insulators, amplifiers, and all the hundred and one parts necessary for a perfectly equipped radio station. Mr.

She laughed until the tears rolled down her cheeks, and then she dried her eyes and laughed again. "Excuse me," she said; "I can't help myself; it's so funny." "It may be funny to you," he said, laughing in spite of himself; "but it is not funny to me." "Of course it isn't," she replied, making a desperate effort to be serious. "Well, tell me something more about these tuners."