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Her industry was not premature. One Saturday night she carried to the Trotters' squalid home a daintily fashioned, freshly laundered outfit which took Mrs. Trotter's restrained and self-respecting gratitude quite by storm.

Nevertheless, in that moment, Miss Trotter's keen eyes had recognized her as a very pretty Swedish girl, one of her chambermaids at the hotel. Miss Trotter passed without a word, but gravely.

The other man took the bell in his hand. Trotter could see powdered lime under his nails. "I guess I can fix you out," said the shop owner. "Wait a minute." He turned to the door in the partition, and disappeared from sight, closing the door after him. Trotter's first decision had been to take the key from the outer door lock.

The pestilent infidel at Bullhampton, as he called our friend, had not attempted to deny the visits to the young woman at Salisbury. And the Marquis had made fresh inquiry which had completely corroborated his previous information. He had learned Mrs. Stiggs's address, and the name of Trotter's Buildings, which details were to his mind circumstantial, corroborative, and damnatory.

Trotter," agreed the patrol leader; "and before morning try to figure out our plan of campaign looking to rounding up the chicken thieves who are believed to be hiding in Sassafras Swamp." "I'm only sorry for one thing, boys," remarked Farmer Trotter's wife, who had apparently hailed the decision of the seven bold scouts to guard her fowl-roost with undeniable joy.

'You are a very good fellow, said Mr. Pickwick, much affected; 'an honest fellow. 'Come, come, interposed Sam, who had witnessed Mr. Trotter's tears with considerable impatience, 'blow this 'ere water-cart bis'ness. It won't do no good, this won't. 'Sam, said Mr. Pickwick reproachfully. 'I am sorry to find that you have so little respect for this young man's feelings.

It seems that the other morning a new chambermaid waited upon him, whom he found much more gentle and sympathetic in her manner than the others, and more submissive and quiet in her ways possibly because she is a foreigner, and accustomed to servitude. I suppose you have no objection to HER taking charge of his room?" Miss Trotter's cheek slightly flushed.

Bilson would be absent for a year, and that the superior control of the Summit Hotel would devolve upon Miss Trotter, DID, however, create a stir in that practical business community. No one doubted the wisdom of the selection. Every one knew that to Miss Trotter's tact and intellect the success of the hotel had been mainly due. Possibly, the satisfaction of Buckeye Hill was due to something else.

Dan did notice, and wondered, without speaking of the matter. That day all the upper class men returned, and Bancroft Hall hummed for a while with the bustle of the returning hundreds. Just before the dinner formation Youngster Trotter encountered Dave in the corridor. "Hullo, mister!" was Trotter's greeting, and the youngster actually held out his hand.

China would be a good example of Trotter's herd of the sheep type, for here the defensive instinct seems to be the dominating social reaction. War becomes, in such a herd, a great stimulus when, and only when, it is a threat to the whole nation, and when, therefore, the individual fears for the whole herd rather than for himself.