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"Wandering mountebank! you wander as much in mind as with your feet. Your tendencies are out of the way and suspicious. You approach the bounds of sorcery. You have dealings with unknown animals. You speak to the populace of things that exist but for you alone, and the nature of which is unknown, such as the hoemorrhoüs." "The hoemorrhoüs is a viper which was seen by Tremellius."

He falls into the way, moreover, of lamenting, as people obstinately continue to do, the "good old times," when men were better than "now," and when the reasonable delights of the garden and the fields engrossed them to the neglect of the circus and the theatres. Or, as Tremellius says, "That man will master the business, qui et colere sciet, et poterit, et volet."

According to the popular tradition, Cotton would have read it, in a day or two. It contains interesting items of all sorts personal anecdotes, critical comments, and striking passages of the lives and writings of more than one hundred and fifty distinguished men, such as Erasmus, Fabricius, Faustus, Cranmer, Tremellius, Peter Martyr, Beza, and John Knox.

In the 23rd verse we have no more but susceperunt, as Pagnini, or receperunt, as Tremellius reads it: but to read, susceperunt in solemnem ritum, is to make an addition to the text. The 28th verse calls not this feast a rite, but only dies memorati, or celebres. And what if we grant that this feast was a rite? might it not, for all that, be merely civil?

The same is also confirmed from exposition of Holy Scripture. For whereas it is said, 'Thou shalt not offer unto devils, the original word is Seghuirim, i.e., 'rough and hairy goats, because in that shape the Devil most often appeared, as is expounded by the rabbis, as Tremellius hath also explained; and as the word Ascimah, the God of Emath, is by some explained."

The feast of the dedication was not free of Pharisaical invention. For as Tremellius observeth out of the Talmud, statuerunt sapientes illius seculi, ut recurrentibus annis, octo illi dies, &c.

They are soon joined by Licinius Stolo and Tremellius Scrofa, the last- mentioned being the highest living authority on agricultural matters. The conversation is carried on with zest, and somewhat more naturally than in Cicero's dialogues. A warm eulogy is passed on the soil, climate, and cultivation of Italy, the whole party agreeing that it exceeds in natural blessings all other lands.

To the praetor Marcus Valerius Falto the two legions in Bruttium, which Caius Livius had commanded the preceding year, were assigned. Publius Aelius, the praetor, was to receive two legions in Sicily from Cneius Tremellius.

The rite which Abraham commanded his servant to use when he sware to him, namely, the putting of his hand under his thigh, Gen. xxiv. 2, maketh them as little help; for it was but a moral sign of that civil subjection, reverence and fidelity which inferiors owe unto superiors, according to the judgment of Calvin, Junius, Pareus, and Tremellius, all upon that place.

Our English translation reads it, “all such as joined themselves unto them.” Montanus, omnes adjunctos; Tremellius, omnes qui essent se adjuncturi eis. The old Latin version reads it indeed as the Bishop doth. But no such thing can be drawn out of the word hannilvim, which is taken from the radix lava, signifying simply, and without any adjection, adhaesit, or adjunxit se.