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Close upon ten o'clock, when the heat is at its full, the mistress of the house suddenly arrives: her title-deeds as the original occupant are inscribed for me in undeniable characters on her thorax white with chalk. Here is one of my travellers back.

We have ample testimony concerning the relations of seigneur and habitant in early Canada, and it comes from many quarters. First of all there are the title-deeds of lands, thousands of which have been preserved in the various notarial archives. It ought to be explained, in passing, that when a seigneur wished to make a grant of land the services of a notary were enlisted.

Show me that the public good requires it, and I am willing that the title-deeds for my own share of the broad Putnam lands shall be burnt up tomorrow." "I believe you, my dear friend," said Master Raymond, gazing with admiration upon the manly, glowing face of this nature's nobleman. "And I am inclined to think that your whole view of the matter is correct.

De Vasselot turned the clumsy parcel in his hand. "What is it?" he asked. "It is the papers of Vasselot and Perucca your title-deeds." Lory laid the papers on the bank beside him. "In your pocket," corrected Jean, gruffly. "That is the place for them." And while Lory was securing the packet inside his tunic, the unusually silent man spoke again. "It is Fate who has handed them to you," he said.

The penitent came down, reluctantly; his nose was still puffy, and the crescent under his eye rather more livid; muffled and cloaked, he was led to the carriage. Mr. Sandford then remembered the cherished parchment certificates and votes of thanks, his title-deeds to distinction. "Leave them," said his sister, contemptuously. "What are they good for?

The speaker turned back into his cabin, and for a moment I lost sight of him. "Pre-emption document!" he said. Was it possible he had purchased the place, and was gone to fetch his title-deeds? If so My reflection was cut short.

Lennard's first visit after breakfast was to the Manchester and County Bank in Deansgate, where he startled the manager, as far as a Lancashire business man can be startled, by opening an account for two hundred and fifty thousand pounds, and depositing the title-deeds of the whole of Lord Westerham's properties in and about Bolton.

The passion of the English people for assurances on this point is in curious contrast with their own record. It is not rhetoric, but crude history, to say that the title-deeds of English freedom are in great part written in blood, and that the seal which gave validity to all the capital documents was the seal of "treason."

Thus Switzerland owns its sacred places, and the title-deeds long laid up in its heart are written out at last. On the 21st of October of last year, on a brilliant afternoon, the men of Schwyz and Uri went forth again from Brunnen, with the chief magistracy of the land.

I know one case in which the title-deeds of an estate were searched for an important occasion, and in which it appeared that they had been given to tailors to cut into strips or measures for purposes of their trade.