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And then this truce shall have expired whatever happen with us." They all thanked him for his speech, and thought he had acted as a chieftain should under such circumstances. Thorbjorn Angle was silent. Then it was proposed that one or the other of the Thords should close with Grettir, and he said that they might do as they chose. One of the two brothers Thord then came forward.

Grettir struck with his sword at Vikar, a man of Hjalti the son of Thord, reaching his left shoulder as he sprang from the roof. It passed across his shoulder, out under his right arm, and cut him right in two.

Sergius Thord drew a chair opposite to her, and sat down. "You are always doing good, Lotys!" he said, with a slight tremor in his voice; "There is no day in your life without its record of help to the helpless!" She shook her head deprecatingly, and went on caressing and soothing the tiny babe in silence. After a pause, he spoke again. "I have come to you, Lotys, to ask you many things!"

Valdor! and then, all suddenly, a stentorian voice cried 'Sergius Thord! At that word the house became a chaos. Men in the gallery, seized by some extraordinary impulse of doing they knew not what, and going they knew not whither, leaped over each other's shoulders, and began to climb down by the pillars of the balconies to the stalls, and a universal panic and rush ensued.

"They will do what I do," replied Leroy "They share my fortunes likewise my opinions; and here they come, so they can speak for themselves," this, as two men emerged from a dark street on the left, and came full into the lamplight's flare "Axel Regor, Max Graub come hither! Fortune has singularly favoured us to-night! Let me present to you my friend " and he emphasized the word, "Sergius Thord!"

"The burners of Olaf have long gone out of Norway, have they not?" "I was but a child when my brother was burned like a fox in his hole at Laxafiord. The burners knew my father too well to bide at home and welcome him; and since then no man has told aught of them, save that Thord the Tall at one time raided much in England, and boasted widely of the burning.

When Aud heard these tidings, she said, "Good! Well, that I know that I am left thus single." After that he wooed Gudrun and that matter was easily settled; Osvif and Gudrun said nothing against it. The wedding was to take place in the tenth week of the summer, and that was a right noble feast. Thord and Gudrun lived happily together.

Then we pulled for shore, towing the bows of the fast-sinking buss with us till they grounded in the mud, and even as her stern swung with the tide across the channel she lurched and sank. "We should have bided in her and fought," growled Thord. "Now in five minutes we shall see the bottom ripped out of our own ship by our own deed."

I should be establishing a precedent which would be inconvenient and disagreeable to my fellow sovereigns!" The time went on; the King met his Ministers on the day he had summoned them in private council, and on the other hand Sergius Thord convened a mighty mass-meeting for the purpose of carrying a resolution formed to address his Majesty on the impending question of the Premiership.

Thord greeted her warmly: she said she wished to place herself under his protection, and said that Kotkell and his wife and sons were giving her much trouble by stealing her goods, and through witchcraft, but had a strong support in Hallstein the Priest. Thord took this matter up swiftly, and said he should have the right of these thieves no matter how it might displease Hallstein.