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"Jost too has gone," pursued Thord; "He has sold his paper to his chief rival. So that now both journals are amalgamated under one head, and work for the same cause our cause, and the King's." Lotys looked up with a slight smile. "It is the same old system then?" she said.

"Is there anything else?" inquired the priest. "There is nothing else;" and the peasant twirled his cap, as though he were about to go. Then the priest rose. "There is yet this, however," said he, and walking toward Thord, he took him by the hand and looked gravely into his eyes: "God grant that the child may become a blessing to you!"

"Oh, there are weak women, no doubt; but then a king should know better than to put temptation in their way. If a man undertakes to be strong, he should also be honourable. Then, what of the taxes the King imposes on the people? The sufferings of the poor over there on the mainland are terrible! I know all about them! I have heard Sergius Thord!" The Professor gave an uncomfortable start.

"Ah!" he cried, "Now comes the tragic moment, when the spectators hold their breath, and the blue flame is turned on, and the man manages the lime-light so that its radiance shall fall on the face of the chief actor or Actress! And the bassoons and 'cellos grumble inaudible nothings to the big drum! Administer the oath, Sergius Thord!" A smile went the round of the company.

I found out that the disaffected portion of the metropolis was chiefly under the influence of Sergius Thord and accordingly I placed myself in his way, and became enrolled among you as 'Pasquin Leroy'; his sworn associate. I am his sworn associate still! I am proud that he should call me friend; and even as we have worked already for the People, so we will work still together!"

"I am poor, if that is what you mean," said Thord, "but take all I have to-night, Matsin " and he emptied a small purse of silver coins into the man's hand. "Bury the poor little innocent one; and comfort the mother when she wakes. Comfort her! love her! she needs love! I will be back again to-morrow." He strode away quickly, and Matsin remained at his door turning over the money in his hand.

Sergius Thord suddenly left his companion's side, and springing on a small handcart that stood empty near the centre of the square, his tall figure rose up all at once like a dark apparition above the heads of the assembled crowd, and his voice, strong, clear, and vibrating with passion, rang out like a deep alarm bell, through all the noise of the storm. "Whither are you going, O foolish people?

"Not so," she said, while the tears rose so fast that she could only dimly see his face; "you are better, far better, to-night." "I am death-doomed, Osla. Thord the Tall shall die in his bed to- night, an old and worthless wreck. Once I had little thought of such a death; and even now, though I die a Christian man, and my hope is in Christ Jesus, and St.

Then spoke old Thord: "Maybe he can put his rank away among men who know him not, and that is a good humbleness in a way. But where all know what his birth is, he has but to be humble and kind in ways and speech, and then men will think more thereof than they will if they see him pretending to be a churl."

"And you, Asgaut," she said, "have done your part well and faithfully, and you shall now know speedily what wages you have worked for. I give you your freedom, so that from this day forth you shall bear the title of a freeman. Therewith you shall take the money that Thord took as the price for the head of Thorolf, my kinsman, and now that money will be better bestowed."