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'I am weary, said Njal to his wife, 'let us lay down on our bed and rest; and Bergthora bowed her head, and spoke to the boy Thord, the son of Kari: 'Come to the door with me and go forth with your kinsmen. I will not have you stay here to burn. But the boy shook off the hand she had laid on his shoulder.

Others followed him, every man in going, shook hands with Lotys and Sergius Thord, the lamps were extinguished, and the landlord standing in the porch of his tavern watched them all file out, and bade them all a cordial farewell. Pequita's home was with her father in the house where Sergius Thord dwelt, and Lotys kissing her tenderly good-night, left her to Thord's care.

There is only one Heaven, as we all know, and the space is limited, as it only holds the followers of St. Peter, the good disciple who denied Christ!" "That is an exploded creed, Zouche," said Thord quietly; "No man of any sense or reason believes such childish nonsense nowadays! The most casual student of astronomy knows better." "Astronomy! Fie, for shame!"

If she had loved him, perhaps he might, through her, have loved his people more!" There was a note of pathos in her voice that was singularly tender and touching. Anon, as if impatient with herself, she turned to Sergius Thord. "We must disperse!" she said abruptly; "Daybreak will be upon us before we know it, and we have done no business at all this evening.

Slowly Thord raised his great, dark, passionate eyes, clouded black with thoughts which could find no adequate expression. The look in them went straight to the monarch's heart.

Those eyelashes matched the hair the soft, silken hair so fine so lustrous, so warm and bright! the hair was surely yet living! With a shuddering sigh, the King bent over the piteous sight, and stooping lower and lower still, touched with trembling lips the small, crossed hands. As he did this, his arm was caught roughly, and Thord thrust him aside.

The surprise of this announcement was so truly overpowering, that for the moment the mighty mass of men stood inert; then, as the situation flashed upon them, such a thunder of cheering broke out as seemed to make the very earth rock and the houses in the square tremble. The King himself, standing by Thord, grew pale as he heard it, and his eyes were suffused with something like tears.

Now one will say that straightway I must fall in love with her, but it was not so: first of all, because I had not time, since every day Alfred planned new ships with me and Thord; and next, because I was his guest, and Osmund was his hostage. Maybe I thought not much of that, however, not having the thoughts of a Saxon towards a Dane.

She, however, had caught sight of Sergius Thord and some of her Revolutionary friends seated 'among the gods, and that was enough inspiration for her. Something, a quite indefinable something, a touch of personal or spiritual magnetism, had been fired in her young soul; and gradually as the Opera went on, her fellow- players became infected by it.

But when the bonders were ware of his ways, they sent word to Thord at Hitness, and bade him take in hand the slaying of Grettir; but he hung back, yet for the prayers of men got his son Arnor, who was afterwards called Earls' Skald, to go with them, and bade them withal to take heed that Grettir escaped not. Then were men sent throughout all the country-side.