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The little things'd begun to talk some by then, an' they chatted soft an' looked up at us, an' that little Mitsy she'd got so she'd kiss me every time I'd ask her. An' I was perfectly shameless. I donno's the poor little thing got enough to eat. But sometimes when things go blue I like to think about that. I guess we was all the same.

EMIL: Oh, well Lord, you can't say everything you think. If everybody did that, things'd be worse off than they are now. MADELINE: Once in a while you have to say what you think or hate yourself. EMIL: Well, look-a-here, Madeline, aren't you spoiling your fun now? You're a girl who liked to be out.

Gar-r-r-dner," said the lady positively, "I doubt if he has made a bed or washed a dish in twenty years. His place is worse than an Indian camp. I have taught schools among the savages myself, in Government service, and therefore I may speak with authority." "Well, now, ma'am, I reckon that's all true. But you see, if more women come out in here, now, things'd be different.

The newspaper men were giving out cigarettes. Several men grouped round them. One shouted out: "We're the guys does the light work. Blackjack Pershing's own pet labor battalion." "They like us so well they just can't let us go." "Damn jackasses," muttered Hoggenback, as, with his eyes to the ground, he passed Andrews. "I could tell 'em some things'd make their goddam ears buzz." "Why don't you?"

The first year my bread took the premium, Abram sent the premium loaf to him with the blue ribbon tied around it. After Abram died I stopped goin' to the fairs, and I don't know how many years it'd been since I set foot on the grounds. I hadn't an idea how things'd changed since my day till, year before last, Henrietta and her husband come down here from Danville.

"You see, Jenny, in them days" also, in presence of the picture he lapsed completely into the dialect of his youth "in them days the railroad was teetering and I couldn't tell which way things'd jump. Every cent counted." "I understand perfectly, father," said Jane, her hands on his shoulders from behind. She felt immensely relieved.

I had lots of experience in the woods, and I've seen men make big money time and again, who didn't know as much about it as I do. But they got there, somehow. Says I, I'll make a stake this year I'd a had twelve thousand in th' bank, if things'd have gone right and then we'll jest move down around Detroit an' I'll put Lida in school."