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"It's four pound a week I'm giving away. Then, squeeze a tear an' see if that don't touch their 'earts an' their pockets." "Let me go! Let me go!" cried Mavis, horrified at the woman's communication. "I thought I'd astonish you," said Miss Ewer complacently. "Let me go. This way?" "Too grateful to thenk me! Never mind; leave it till nex' time we meet. You can thenk me then.

I've seen her climbing on the roof by means of the water-cask at the corner, and trying to stop a leak by shoving a piece of tin in under the bark. And when I'd fixed the leak 'Thenk yer, Mr Wilson. This drop of rain's a blessin'! Come in and have a dry at the fire and I'll make yer a cup of tea. And, if I was in a hurry, 'Come in, man alive! Come in! and dry yerself a bit till the rain holds up.

"Am I dyin'?" she asked, with a frightened look at Holmes. He told her no, cheerfully. "I've no tho't o' dyin'. I dunnot thenk o' dyin'. Don't mind, dear! Yoh'll stay with me, fur good?" The man's paroxysm of fear for her over, his spite and cowardice came uppermost. "It's him," he yelped, looking fiercely at Holmes. "He's got my life in his hands. He kin take it.

'Come on, then! Macgregor spat lightly On his palms. 'I've nae time to waste. Willie cast his jacket on the ground. 'I'll wrastle ye, he said, with a gleam of hope. 'Thenk ye; but I'm no for dirtyin' ma guid claes. Come on! To Willie's credit, let it be recorded, he did come on, and so promptly that Macgregor, scarcely prepared, had to take a light tap on the chin.

"Keep up your courage, my son," said the sheriff kindly, for the sight of Ralph's face aroused his sympathy. "Keep up your courage; the court has got to pass on this matter yet. You don't have to go with the old man till the judge says so." "Tak' heart," added Bachelor Billy, "tak' heart, laddie. It's not all ower wi' us yet. I canna thenk as any law'd put a lamb i' the wolf's teeth."

The child sheltered the flaring candle with her hand. "I've no tho't o' dyin'," she said, laughing. There was a gray shadow about her eyes, a peaked look to the face, he never saw before, looking at her now with a physician's eyes. "Does anything hurt you here?" touching her chest. "It's better now. It was that night o' th' fire. Th' breath o' th' mill, I thenk, but it's nothin'."

I had some coffee that mornin', so I gave him some in a pint pot; he drank it, and then he stood on his head till he tumbled over, and then he stood up on his feet and said, "Thenk yer, mum." 'I was so surprised that I didn't know what to say, so I jist said, "Would you like some more coffee?" "Yes, thenk yer," he said "about two quarts."

'Thenk Goad it was your money! 'I'm thinkin' I've got guid value. 'What? 'Guid nicht! And stuffing some blanket into his mouth, Macgregor rolled over and quaked with imprisoned mirth.

"That was fulish in me," he said, "to weaken like that; but I'm no' used to that white damp. Gi' me a minute to catch ma breath an' I'll go wi' ye." Conway went down and walled up the opening again. When he came back Bachelor Billy was on his feet, walking slowly down the chamber, throwing the light of his lamp into the entrances on the way. "Did he go far fra the openin, thenk ye?" he asked.

Macgregor made a choking sound, while Christina gravely hoped that the cat had also recovered, and passed the macaroons. 'Thenk ye, said Willie, and readily resumed operations. But he was not a little disgusted to note presently that Christina and Macgregor enjoyed their cream cookies without the slightest mishap.