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"Got to be meathured every blethed day every blethed 'en, 'e thays. Tho as to thee they grow properly. What oh ... eh? Every blethed 'en every blethed day." And Mr. Skinner put up his hand to laugh behind it in a refined and contagious manner, and humped his shoulders very much and only the other eye of him failed to participate in his laughter.

"She thays you c-c-can thend the platter home to-morrow," stammered the boy, and stammering himself out, he ran into another. The other held high a big dish of plum pudding, from which a spicy aroma filled the room. Again the heaven-born inventor made signs to Eph. "Our folks told me to ask if you wouldn't try this plum pudding," said the newcomer.

He took a gey nip last thummer, and this thummer I wager he takes mair o't. He avowed his plain intention. 'I mean to kick up a bit of a dust, thays he. Oh, but he's the splurge!" "Ay, ay," said Sandy Toddle, "thae students are a gey squad especially the young ministers." "Ou," said Tam Wylie, "dinna be hard on the ministers. Ministers are just like the rest o' folk.

But Isaac was not after all wholly given over to worldly thoughts, for an intellectual problem often occupied his thoughts and led him to slap little Sarah's arms. He had been born on the 4th of December while Sarah had been born a year later on the 3d. "It ain't, it can't be," he would say. "Your birfday can't be afore mine." "'Tis, Esty thays so," Sarah would reply.