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It was by mutual agreement that we read our letters over our bread and tea and cheese. I read one of my letters with some indignation. It was a letter from my schoolmaster, who was not very encouraging on the subject of my locum tenens' industry. 'I thought I had got a first-rate man in Cochrane, I said aloud. 'Cochrane of Peckham Downs? asked Reeve, looking up and eyeing me. 'What about him?

He obtained a locum tenens, and gave up the time to pilot me round. We visited every point of interest, including the Chinese gambling dens, in and around 'Frisco, which has a very interesting history dating from the time of the Spanish missions. On the trip across the Pacific we had a nice complement of passengers. A day at Honolulu was spent enjoying the beauty spots.

"The professional assistant, with the regular deputy, exercises not his own discretion, but that of the Attorney-General, whose locum tenens at sufferance, he is; and he consequently does so under the obligation of the official oath."

Richard Lander was appointed to the command of the expedition, leaving his brother John as his locum tenens in the Customhouse of Liverpool until his return. The expedition, considering the object which it had in view was of a formidable kind, two steam vessels were equipped for the purpose, the larger was computed to be 145 tons burden, and propelled by a fifty horse engine.

How are affairs getting on at your chapel? I am told that the sermons of your locum tenens send the congregation asleep." "He is not at his best in the pulpit. A good fellow! a most loving man but not able to grapple with a large congregation. After all, I am obliged to confess that very few of our cloth are. The power of preaching is quite an exceptional one; and it is a gift as well as a trust.

He might indulge wild schemes of taking assistant or partner; the plain truth was, he could not afford even the sum needed to settle in a LOCUM TENENS for three months, while he recuperated. Another and equally valid reason was that the right man for a LOCUM was far to seek.

Miss Benson loitered in her seat, divided between the consciousness that she, as locum tenens for the minister's wife, was expected to be at the door to receive the kind greetings of many after her absence from home, and her unwillingness to disturb Ruth, who was evidently praying, and, by her quiet breathing, receiving grave and solemn influences into her soul.

Crabbe entered these woods almost at his very door, and found there ample opportunity for his botanical studies, which were still his hobby. As usual his post was that of locum tenens, the rector, Dr. Thomas Parke, then residing at his other living at Stamford. My friend, the Rev.

"It's by far the most sensible thing to do. I wonder you didn't." "I tried to," said the Canon piteously. "I did my best. I have engaged a berth on a steamer going to Brazil, one that hasn't got a wireless telegraphic installation, and I've secured a locum tenens for the parish. But I shan't be able to go. You can guess why." "The Archdeacon?" The Canon nodded sadly.

"That is well! that is well!" said Lumley, rubbing his hands when he was left alone: "the old driveller will be my locum tenens, till years and renown enable me to become his successor. Meanwhile, I shall be really what he will be in name."