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"Now, Jasper, doan't-'ee go: run back, I tell'ee run back I tell'ee you must go back." His words were so earnest and full of command that I turned round and faced him. Something in his eyes filled me with sickening fear. "Joe, what were you carrying?" No answer. "Joe, what were you carrying?" Still no answer; but an appealing motion of the hand. "Joe, what was it?" "Go back!" he said, hoarsely.

But the good man still stood, bareheaded, a perplexed expression troubling his face. "It's very odd, now: I made Trenchard promise not to give them a penny for drink. Poor fellows! if they only knew better! But I'll tell'ee what it is, Nathanael," and he used the slight Dorset accent, which always broadened when he was very earnest, "those lads drink because they are starving drink drowns care.

"Heerken, and I'll tell'ee," he answered. "She with the light hair and eyes, she's Miss Bessie; and she with the dark hair and eyes, she's called Miss Molly that's she's name." And having so said, Timothy rode off at a rapid pace. "Can it be possible!" exclaimed Vernon Wycherley "can it be possible that so lovely a being one who seems too beautiful to tread the earth"

S'elp me de Lord, massa, I'd chink twenty year for a white face. Dat comes ob bein' civilized. Tell'ee what dey dew, massa, dey makes you feel like a white man, but dey lets you keep black, blast 'em!"

If I smoked 'bacco some night I should set my plaace afire, 'stead o' just rolling up a bit o' stoof and clapping it in my mooth." "I don't know what you mean, Dave," cried Dick. "Then I'll tell'ee, lad. Some un got smoking his pipe in one of they stables, and set it afire." "No, no; some one must have set fire to the stacks." "Nay!" cried Dave, staring in the lad's face with his jaw dropped.

"I don't say as you will. But I shall get your room ready this afternoon, and no later." "No, nurse, you must not do that." "Tell'ee I shall. Then, whether you come or not, there 'tis. And when they put on you, you have no call to fret. Says you, 'There's my room awaiting, and likewise my welcome, too, at Dame Wilson's; I don't need to stand no more nonsense here than I do choose, says you.

If he stands there, cried Nicholas, burning with fury, 'looking so calmly upon those who know his black and dastardly heart, he'll drive me mad. To all these exclamations John Browdie answered not a word, but he retained his hold upon Nicholas; and when he was silent again, spoke. 'There's more to say and hear than thou think'st for, said John. 'I tell'ee I ha' gotten scent o' thot already.

'Tell'ee wa'at though, said John seriously, when a great deal had been said on both sides, 'to return to schoolmeasther. If this news aboot 'un has reached school today, the old 'ooman wean't have a whole boan in her boddy, nor Fanny neither. 'Oh, John! cried Mrs Browdie. 'Ah! and Oh, John agean, replied the Yorkshireman. 'I dinnot know what they lads mightn't do.

"No doubt, no doubt!" said the other, very sharply, "you'd like to draw the land dry with potato crops, and have fourscore hogs snoring in the farmyard; that's your idea of a farm. Oh! I know you want to be elder brother. Well, I tell'ee what do; you kill me first, Bill Fielding, and then you will be elder brother, and not afore." Here was a pretty little burst of temper!

"It be nigh that, I tell'ee. Us be no cheats there be other folk as has cheated we. Fine grand folk as knew nowt o' the mines, but shut 'un up, and paid no money." "How wicked!" "But I be come to find 'un out," cried the man fiercely, as his eye lit on Nathanael. "For I do know thick fine folk. And I tell'ee" "Silence! you forget you are speaking before a lady.