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While barely in his teens, young Greeley, whose father was making a desperate effort to support a large family on a poor farm in New Hampshire, started in to work for himself. His early education consisted of a few winter terms in a common school. Before he was seventeen he had learned the printer's trade, and then resolved not only to support himself, but to help his parents.

"Where do you suppose they hid that rope?" Marion Stanlock inquired. "Somebody probably needed a clothesline." "Here come some people who may be able to throw some light on the situation," said Marion. All looked up and saw two girls apparently in their "upper teens," dressed more suitably for an afternoon tea than a rustic outing.

But now had come the call which included the boys yet in their teens, and he was now in the draft age. Today had come his summons from the Government to appear and be examined for enlistment in the service. When Austin appeared before the board they greeted him with smiles.

Miss Ailie has been safely stowed to port, but their little boat is only setting sail, and they are such young ones, neither out of her teens, that he would fain turn for a time from her to them. Twelve pounds they paid for the good-will, and, oh, the exciting discussions, oh, the scraping to get the money together!

She was a lovely creature in her teens, I thought she was an angel till till I found her out." "And then?" queried Helmsley. "Oh well, then of course I was disillusioned.

As there are no more laws and no more standards, there is nothing to learn. The merest student is at once set upon a level with the most experienced of his instructors, and boys and girls in their teens are hailed as masters. Art is at last made easy, and there are no longer any pupils, for all have become teachers.

He had been far too shy for enjoyment, perfectly well behaved, but not stirring a step from his protector, only holding his hand, and looking piteously at him if invited away; and Percy declared, he was as much courted as a young lady in her teens.

And yet it seemed to me, as I stood in that pretty, sunlit room awaiting the pleasure of that child, scarce out of her teens, that some of the awkwardness I had escaped in earlier years, some of the timidity of long ago, came to me then.

Let it move thee, crafty, ill-conditioned monster, to see my blooming youth still in its teens, for I am not yet twenty wasting and withering away beneath the husk of a rude peasant wench; and if I do not appear in that shape now, it is a special favour Senor Merlin here has granted me, to the sole end that my beauty may soften thee; for the tears of beauty in distress turn rocks into cotton and tigers into ewes.

A girl in her teens was shamelessly raped, whilst an eleven-month-old baby was heartlessly trampled underfoot. Pressure was brought to bear upon the believers to recant their faith and to renounce allegiance to the Cause they had espoused. Nor was this all.