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With Johnnie bustling hither and thither in a proud and entirely willing manner, the longshoreman could not fail to remark a new spirit in the flat. But in spite of the well-cooked, tasty meal, Big Tom was not moved to speak any appreciation. After a time, Johnnie decided to invite a comment. "I made y' biscuits and gravy again," he pointed out. "It's about time," returned Barber.

These fabrics are often in several colors and exhibit many tasty and intricate designs, some of which will be described in the chapter on Decorative Art. Manufacture of Rope and String. At least eighteen trees, shrubs, and vines are used in the making of cordage.

I did manage to sweep and dust, and I cleaned out the pantry. And, of course, I saw that the meals were nice and well cooked. You should have seen David's face. He looked as if he couldn't get used to having things clean and tasty. I darned his socks he hadn't a whole pair to his name and I've done everything I could to give him a little comfort. Not that I could do much.

She sent the patients' accounts in well-phrased letters that had no suggestion of a bill. When they had a neighbour to dinner on Sundays, she managed to have some tasty dish piled up pyramids of greengages on vine leaves, served up preserves turned out into plates and even spoke of buying finger-glasses for dessert. From all this much consideration was extended to Bovary.

She smiled, and I drew out my purse and paid the money. "Where do you live, sir?" said she; "and when shall I send you your purchases?" "You may bring them to-morrow yourself, and do me the honour of breakfasting with me." "I can never leave the shop, sir." In spite of her thirty-five years, Madame R was still what would be called a tasty morsel, and she had taken my fancy.

Aunt Rebecca's table, though not lavishly laden as are those of most of the Pennsylvania Dutch, was amply filled with good, substantial food. The fried sausage was browned just right, the potatoes and lima beans well-cooked, the cold slaw, with its dash of red peppers, was tasty and the snitz pie Uncle Amos's favorite was thick with cinnamon, its crust flaky and brown.

I went there the other evenin' to get a nightgown pattern she thought was real tasty. I don't know as I shall like it, though. It's supposed to have a yoke made out of crochet or tattin' at the top, an' I ain't got anything of the kind on hand just now, an' no time to make any.

Camel meat is tasty and wholesome, and even the skin and the bones of a camel are good for something. The most wretched feed, dry grass, thistles and brambles, satisfies this patient, strong, helpless and most useful of all animals. Next to the camels, which even the poorest Arab owns in almost incredible numbers, the horses represent the chief wealth of these children of the desert.

Though he stole jam right and left his heart was in the right place, for the object of his depredations was always some extra tasty dish for a specially bad blessé. He had the longest of eyelashes, and his expression when caught would be so comical it was impossible to be angry with him.

Old Tucktu, the leader, was apparently of the same mind and very sure of a tasty morsel, and they were almost upon him before the raven, too dignified to hurry, rose leisurely on his wings, tantalizingly near to Tucktu's nose, and flapped away another quarter of a mile to repeat, with evident enjoyment, the episode, and then, unscathed, he disappeared again into the blank spaces.