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Tarbell had the names down pat, and scrutinized each prospective witness carefully, as if warning him that it would be no use for him to give a fictitious name in the hope of evading his duties, as she would now be able to pick him out of a regiment. "I am very much obliged to you," she said, in a stately manner.

Juddson?" But Mr. Juddson had the picture of Chief-Justice Marshall and the map of the battle-field of Gettysburg, so he was not so badly off; and Mrs. Tarbell was very comfortable. She was just musing over her future, and saying to herself, "When I die, I know that they will call a bar-meeting, and that Mr. Pope will make a eulogy on my character," when the door opened, and Mr. Juddson came in.

Tarbell and the growing number of his followers. Theirs is almost a pure naturalism, a "making it like." Yet, notably in the work of Mr. Tarbell himself, and to some extent in that of the others, there is an elegance of arrangement, a thoroughness in the notation of gradations of light, a beauty and a charm that were learned of no modern.

"I saw my missis jump at the key, and Bob and the others, laughing fit to split their sides, 'olding her back. Then I heard a shout, and the next moment Cap'n Tarbell came up and asked 'em wot the trouble was about. "They all started talking at once, and then the cap'n, arter one look in at the window, threw up his 'ands and staggered back as if 'e couldn't believe his eyesight.

The others have all " Mrs. Benton shook her head and turned away. "If you'll just tell Pollyanna SHE'LL understand." And the door closed after her. A little later, that same day, there was the other widow at least, she wore widow's garments. Miss Polly did not know her at all. She wondered vaguely how Pollyanna could have known her. The lady gave her name as "Mrs. Tarbell."

Death, and damages for the widow? for I see there are no children, or was the plaintiff herself the victim of the accident? Your sex has finally decided to stand by you, it seems." "I shan't send out the writ just yet," said Mrs. Tarbell, blushing. "I was wanted to see how the precipe would look. I must see the plaintiff again, I think, before I advise her definitely to sue." "Hasn't she a case?"

"There is a dislocation, and there may be nothing more, except a sprain," he said. "But it will be impossible to tell until the swelling is reduced; and if there is a fracture of the fibula, why, such a complication is apt to be serious." Mrs. Stiles groaned feebly, and then looked up at Mrs. Tarbell with gratitude. "I never thought to be so much trouble to you," she murmured.

"She never tried to get on while you were going," continued the thin man. "It was your driver; that's what it was." "The lady's name is Stiles, conductor," said Mrs. Tarbell, "Stiles; and she lives dear me! on Pulaski Street. Can I do anything for you, doctor?" "You might send your boy for a carriage," said the doctor, who was engaged in removing Mrs. Stiles's shoe.

The methods of electioneering are given by Miss Tarbell in the following words: "Wherever he saw a crowd of men he joined them, and he never failed to adapt himself to their point of view in asking for votes. The ten days devoted to the canvass were not enough, and he was defeated. The vote against him was chiefly in the outlying region where he was little known.

For I remember my own mother, Mrs. Tarbell," said Judge Measy. The bar listened in awed admiration. Mrs. Tarbell bit her lips, bowed, and thanked his honor as best she could. The idea of suggesting that she was anybody's mother, or that even if she had a family that was any reason for permitting her to be a barrister!