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This then this long trouble of body and of spirit was what he remembered, sitting in the armchair beyond his bedroom fire, watching the glow, and Sylvia sleeping there exhausted, while the dark plane-tree leaves tap-tapped at the window in the autumn wind; watching, with the uncanny certainty that, he would not pass the limits of this night without having made at last a decision that would not alter.

The March Hare and Toppin have learnt their lesson pretty thoroughly." Mr. Anderson frowned and bit his finger, and the toe of his boot tap-tapped on the ground. It was evident he was undecided. Presently he looked at Jack. "You mean that, provided I find these two lads absolutely none the worse for their ducking, you beg me, as a great favour, not to carry a report to Mr. West?"

The pace at which he rode was winding up the distance, and the hoofs no longer tap-tapped, but rang insistently. There was war, then; it could be nothing else. Her category of calamities was brief, and war and the death of her dear ones nearly exhausted it. David galloped the last furlongs with a tightened rein, and froth snowed from the bit. He pulled up in the yard and slipped from the saddle.

And behind him the fire flickered, and the plane-tree leaves tap-tapped. He rose, and crept away stealthily downstairs into the drawing-room, and through the window at the far end out into the courtyard, where he had sat that day by the hydrangea, listening to the piano-organ. Very dark and cold and eerie it was there, and he hurried across to his studio.

I'll suggest that ..." Her murmur was a cheerful monotonous sound accompanying her as she went. She would stop and rub the side of her nose with her thumb, considering. In the house, when there was no fear of callers, she wore large loose slippers that tap-tapped as she went. In the evenings she sat in Paul's study all amongst the Cornhills, The Temple Bars, and The Bible Concordances.

That's why. That all right, I'm go. That ain't all right, I'm don' go. You bet." Lance tap-tapped his right arm with the fingers of his left hand, chewed his lip and looked at Sam Pretty Cow. "Still, dad lets you stick around the outfit," he drawled meaningly.

A door opened, there was sound of voices a moment's pause, then the door closed and the maid appeared at the head of the stairs. "The missis says you can come up," she said ungraciously. She eyed him curiously as he passed her, and scented drama in the set of his shoulders and the twitch of his fingers. "A military!" she concluded, and tap-tapped down again into the kitchen.

A whimsical smile played about her mouth, and her fingers tap-tapped steadily on the purse, wherein was folded Bill Wagstaff's map. And then out of the dark ahead a cluster of lights winked briefly, the shriek of the Limited's whistle echoed up and down the wide reaches of the North Thompson, and the coaches came to a stop. Hazel took one look to make sure.

She tap-tapped with her foot on the floor. "Have you given up those absurd ideas of yours?" "What absurd ideas?" "You know what I mean. Calling yourself an unbeliever." "I can't say I believe things I don't believe." "Have you tried?" "Tried?" "Have you ever asked God to help your unbelief?" "No. I could only do that if I didn't believe in my unbelief." "You mean if you didn't glory in it.