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They were unshaven, and their wet faces were smeared with the soil of the trenches. "How goes it?" said the French captain with me. "It does not go," said the French sergeant. "'Cre nom de Dieu! my men are not gay to-day. They have been wet for three weeks and their bones are aching. This place is not a Bal Tabourin. If we light even a little fire we ask for trouble.

The youth struck the note upon the tabourin his pipe followed, and off we bounded 'the duce take that slit! The sister of the youth, who had stolen her voice from heaven, sung alternately with her brother 'twas a Gascoigne roundelay. Viva la Joia! Fidon la Tristessa! The nymphs join'd in unison, and their swains an octave below them

"'On ne prend le lievre au tabourin. We are the challenged, and therefore have the choice of weapons." Luckily I overheard this dispute, and called to my second "Swords or pistols," said I; "it is quite the same to me. I am not bad at either, only do make haste." Swords, then, were chosen and soon procured.

A lame youth, whom Apollo had recompensed with a pipe, and to which he had added a tabourin of his own accord, ran sweetly over the prelude, as he sat upon the bank Tie me up this tress instantly, said Nannette, putting a piece of string into my hand It taught me to forget I was a stranger The whole knot fell down We had been seven years acquainted.

"'On ne prend le lievre au tabourin. We are the challenged, and therefore have the choice of weapons." Luckily I overheard this dispute, and called to my second "Swords or pistols," said I; "it is quite the same to me. I am not bad at either, only do make haste." Swords, then, were chosen and soon procured.