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Fourteen fellows in one dormitory using the same bathroom and on the wall you saw a row of fourteen syringes! And they told that on themselves, it was the joke of the campus. They call the disease a 'dose'; and a man's not supposed to be worthy the respect of his fellows until he's had his 'dose' the sensible thing is to get several, till he can't get any more.

They were drawn up in a line, and seemed to be under regular discipline; for, whenever the captain of the band gave the word, "Vilti Mindoc!" they discharged the dirty liquid from their syringes; and when he said "Vilti Goulgoul!" they filled the air with perfume, that was so overpowering as sometimes to produce sickness.

This firm has been manufacturing such articles in England since 1888, and now makes them in a wide range of sizes, and of special shape where required. Bidets and Syringes. Syringes are easily procurable, but bidets in England at present are sometimes difficult to obtain. Good strong enamel bidets can be obtained from Messrs.

He poured out enough to kill two men, when I told him that we didn't keep a hotel for suicides, and he had better cut the quantity down. He then bared his legs and arms, and they were literally pitted with scars, due to the use of hypodermic syringes. He said he had taken it for years, and it required a big dose to have any effect. I let him go ahead.

One year first in New York in preparation, then two years in Rome. Three weeks she worked; one week she suffered. And how wonderfully she did suffer! She had been warned of the danger of drug- relief. And when doctors came and began filling their hypodermic syringes, her indignation blazed up. "If that's all you have for me, you needn't come. I could give that to myself."

She knew the feeling, because she had sometimes had it in childhood in specially swift springs, when the lilacs and the syringes seemed to rush out into blossom in a single night, but it was strange to have it again after over fifty years. She would have liked to remark on the sensation to some one, but she was ashamed. It was such an absurd sensation at her age.

Getting the syringes, he jumped into his cab, and was driven to the Professor's. "You may call for me at ten," he said to the cabman. There were three others besides the Professor and himself, and they were all interested in learning the latest scientific news from New York and London. It was a quarter past ten when the company separated.

The Young Doctor and his opposite number, and those near them found interest in morphia syringes, ventilation of distributing stations, and a section of the talk whirling into a curious backwater the smell of cooking prevalent in the entrance halls of Sheerness lodging-houses. . . . Then the cigarettes went round, chairs turned a little sideways, the port circulated a second time.

Two hypodermic syringes, holding about twenty cubic centimetres and six cubic centimetres, and having short, heavy, seventeen or eighteen-gauge slip-on needles, should be used. The small syringe is used for injecting the virulent or cholera blood which is injected into a different part than the serum. The quantity of serum and virus injected varies with the size and condition of the animal.

"What's the matter?" Tiger said. "I don't see ... wait a minute!" "Yes, you'd better look again," Jack said. "What do you think, Dal?" "We'd better get down there fast," Dal said, "and see what's going on. It looks to me like we've got a tiger by the tail...." They climbed down the ladder once again, with the antibody flasks and sterile syringes strapped to their backs.