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Being still awake when the Familey came upstairs, I went into her room and experamented while she was taking down her hair. "Well?" she said at last. "You needn't stare like that. I can't do my hair this way without a Swich." "I was merely thinking," I said in a lofty tone. "Then go and think in bed." "Does it or does it not concern you as to what I was thinking?" I demanded.

How they smack of the salt too, those old master mariners, Henry Wilkins, master of the Christopher of Rainham, John Lollington, master of the Jesu of London, Robert Ewen, master of the Thomas of Newhithe, and all the rest of them, waving their hands to their wives and sweethearts as they sail out of the sparkling little bays, with the good woolsacks abaft or under hatches shipmen, all of them, after Chaucer's heart: But of his craft, to rekene wel his tydes His stremes and his daungers hym besides, His herberwe and his moone, his lodemenage, Ther was noon swich from Hulle to Cartage.

"Let take a cat, and foster hire with milke And tendre flesh, and make hire couche of silke, And let hire see a mous go by the wall, Anon she weiveth milke and flesh, and all, And every deintee that is in that hous, Swich appetit hath she to ete the mous Lo, here hath kind hire domination, And appetit flemeth discretion"?

"Have ye not seyn som tyme a pale face Among a prees, of him that hath be lad Toward his death, wher-as him gat no grace, And swich a colour in his face hath had, Men mighte knowe his face that was bistad, Amonges alle the faces in that route." CHAUCER. Man of Lawe's Tale. "Criticism," said Mr. Fett, with his mouth full of sausage, "is the flower of all the arts."

Well they blindfoled me and hollered ready and i began to yank and pull and the feller rung his bell and he came pretty hard at first but i kept yanking and bimeby he come so quick that i nearly fell over back wards and i felt him and grabed him and began to paist time out of him when he grabed away my swich and began to paist me, and that wasent fair and i pulled off my blindfole and who do you suppose it was, well it was Wiliam Perry Molton and he was mad. they had tied me to his door bell and i had yanked out almost ten feet of wire. when i saw who it was gosh i began to holler and he stoped licking me. i gess he never licked anyone before because he dident know just how to lay it on. well when he found out how it was he let me go but he said he shood have to do something about the boys distirbing him so. it was a pretty mean trick to play on a feller. we are going to try and play it on Pop Clark tomorrow nite.

"And shippes by the brinke comen and gon, And in swich forme endure a day or two." The Frankeleyn's Tale. Landfall and Departure mark the rhythmical swing of a seaman's life and of a ship's career. From land to land is the most concise definition of a ship's earthly fate. A "Departure" is not what a vain people of landsmen may think.

Well you blindfole a feller and give him a rope and a swich and the other fellers get on the other end of the rope and the feller nearest you has a bell and rings it and you pull and if you can pull him up to you, you can paist time out of him with your swich, only if you pull off your blindfole all the fellers can paist time out of you.