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A subacute or a chronic infective endocarditis should be treated on the same plan as an acute endocarditis, which means rest in bed and whatever medication seems advisable, depending on the supposed cause of the condition. A chronic endocarditis which is part of a general arteriosclerosis requires no special treatment except that directed toward preventing the advance of the general disease.

However, in most instances, the practitioner's attention is not directed to typical and uncomplicated cases, but to subacute or chronic inflammations which are often attended with contraction of the tendinous parts of the carpal flexors, and in such cases carpitis is present.

#Chronic Inflammation.# A variety of types of chronic and subacute inflammation are met with which, owing to ignorance of their causations, cannot at present be satisfactorily classified.

The prognosis depends on the character of the inflammation and the promptness and thoroughness of the treatment. Acute laminitis may respond to prompt, careful treatment in from ten to fourteen days. Subacute laminitis responds readily to treatment. The prognosis is least favorable in the chronic form. The preventive treatment is very important.

In the subacute form, the symptoms are mild and develop slowly. Recovery may take place within a few days, or after extending over a week or ten days it may assume the chronic form. Very often in outbreaks of subacute cholera a large majority of the herd does not show visible symptoms of the disease.

Depressant drugs. In this age of cardiac failure, heart depressants of all types, and especially the synthetic products, should be given only with careful judgment, and, never frequently repeated or long continued. Pain. This is one of the most serious depressants a heart has to combat; acute pain must not be allowed, and prolonged subacute pain must be stopped.

In the acute form the larger portion of the flock may die off within a week. In the subacute and chronic forms, the birds become greatly emaciated, and a few die off weekly through a period of a month or longer. The tissue changes occurring in the disease are inflammation of all or a few of the internal organs.

PNEUMONIA. Inflammation of the lungs is more common in horses than in any of the other domestic animals. The croupous form is the most common. The inflammation may affect one or both lungs, one or more lobes, or scattered lobules of lung tissue. The inflammation may be acute, subacute or chronic. The causes are very much the same as in other respiratory diseases.

There was chronic interstitial nephritis. It is doubtful whether her beliefs were delusional: "can never be better," "will not be taken care of," "no place for her." "Subacute melancholia. The heart was normal. Death from ileocolitis. Moderate chronic internal hydrocephalus. Dr. Both mother and father died, and patient was in several hospitals after 36, obscene, denudative, onanist.

Pilcher had not been any the worse for her talk with her visitor an hour since. Widow Thrale, living like she did over at Chorlton, was a sort of stranger at the Towers. But only a subacute stranger, as her husband, when living, was frequently in evidence there, in connection with the stables. Old Maisie was interested to hear anything about her pleasant visitor. What sort of aged woman did Mrs.