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Vivian interrupted Lady Julia's reverie by pointing out to her, as they passed along the terrace, a group of heads, in one of the back windows of the castle, that seemed to be watching them very earnestly. Miss Strictland's face was foremost; half her body was out of the window; and as she drew back, they heard her say "It is not he! It is not he!"

Parker for a passage in the only American vessel in port. He was told that the ship might not leave the harbor for months, if ever. But as he was suffering from want, he was permitted to make it his home until he could find some other resource. I did not allow myself to doubt the truth of any portion of Strictland's narrative. I confided to him the particulars of my own situation.

Vivian! a sad stroke upon us all but most upon me; for she was the child of my expectations I hear she has told you every thing you, also, have been very ill-used Never was astonishment equal to mine when I heard Miss Strictland's story. I need not caution you, Mr. Vivian, as to secrecy; you are a man of honour, and you see the peace of our whole family is at stake.

'Virtue for her too painful an endeavour, Content to dwell in decencies for ever. You know the sort of thing! Yes, yes; but I was not content to have my Julia lost among the mediocres, as I call them: so I took her out of Miss Strictland's hands; and the Rosamunda's her governess." "Her governess!" repeated Vivian, with uncontrollable astonishment; "Lady Julia Lidhurst's governess!"

Finding ourselves accidentally thrown together in the same ship, it is not remarkable that we became constant companions from the commencement of our acquaintance, and intimate friends. Strictland's story was calculated to excite compassion. His father was a respectable trader in London, and Frederick had been a clerk in his counting room.

He then went among the passengers, conversed with them, asked each one his name and country, and took other means to prevent deception. When he came to Strictland, and asked his name, the reply was, "Jean Fourchette," in a bold tone. "Are you a Frenchman?" asked the officer. "Yes, SIR," was Strictland's reply, in a most anti-Gallican accent.

He then called a boat alongside, and proceeded on shore. I was anxious to visit the Gustavus to inquire about Strictland's health, and consult with him in relation to future proceedings.