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The grooms and strappers from the Hippodrome came often to enquire, and Estelle, forbidden by the Manager to come at all on account of infection, sat on the stairs and showered effusive speeches in a high-pitched voice through the open door. Arithelli had sent no word of her illness to her parents in London. She knew their views on the subject of complaints.

You have explained that you love youth, the brightness and the gaiety of it, but you have not explained what seems inexplicable to most men, that you should go about with servants and strappers." "Difficult to explain, Frank, isn't it, without the truth?" Evidently his mind was not working. "No," I replied, "easy, simple. Think of Shakespeare.

"Lead on, Two-and-Two," he said. Ramos' bubb was spinning once more, but he was wearing just dungarees. The Bunch the Planet Strappers with only their helmets off, were crouched, evenly spaced, around the circular interior of the ring. Dave Lester was there, too staring, but fairly calm, now.

The third and strangest was still to be reckoned with... There, he came to Mitch Storey, the colored guy with the romantic name. Of all the Planet Strappers, his history was the most fabulous. Maybe, now, with a way of living in open space started, and with the planets ultimately to serve only as sources of materials, Mitch's star people would be left in relative peace for centuries.

"Hey they're us they'll stay with us shut up didn't we lose enough people, already?" Gimp said. Frank grinned with half of his mouth. "We always needed a name," he remarked. "How about The Planet Strappers? Hell if the chairborne echelon of the U.S.S.F. is so slow and picky, let 'em go sit on a sunspot." "I need some white paint and a brush, Paul," Ramos declared, running into the shop.

Vardri, who had left the Hippodrome the minute he had delivered his message, was sitting on the end of the table swinging his feet and whistling softly. He had bribed one of the "strappers" to finish his work, and slipped out, only arriving a few minutes before her. He had risked dismissal, but that was no great matter.

Here in fact the two boys were soon making their way among the crowd of grooms and strappers in the yard, seeing the Duke's carriage-horses groomed, and the Duchess's cream-coloured hackney saddled for her ride in the chase; and at length, after much lingering and gazing, going on to the harness-rooms and coach-house.

It was a sort of Court of the Young Lions, where herd-boys, out-workers of the daily-wage sort, turnip-singlers, Irish harvesters, Stranryan "strappers" and "lifters," crow-boys, and all the miscellany of a Galloway farm about the end of the Napoleonic wars ate from wooden platters, with only their own horn spoon and pocket-knife to aid their nimble fingers.

The Planet Strappers soon established a routine for their journey out as far as the Moon. There were watches, to be sure that none of the bubbs veered, while somebody was asleep or inattentive.

We would forget that episode in which your men figured, and remember rather the comradery of the fall days with them and the inspiration of your soldierly excellence. To you, Major Alabernarde. On the various fronts in the fall the doughboy's acquaintance with the British allies was limited quite largely, and quite unfortunately we might say, to the shoulder strappers.