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And a few minutes afterward Martha was let in by the chambermaid without knocking and sat down grimly by the window and began to knit. Then Stella's tears turned to resentment. To be insulted so! To have a servant sent to watch her was more than she would bear. But as she turned in bed she felt her lover's note touch her and like a magic wand a thrill of comfort rushed through her.

The subtly inquiring intellect of Father Benwell amused itself by speculating even on such a trifling problem as this. He little thought that he had a personal interest in the letter. The envelope contained Stella's warning to Winterfield to distrust no less a person than Father Benwell himself! It was nearly half-past five before quick footsteps were audible outside. Winterfield entered the room.

She was therefore no mitigation of Stella's loneliness. Nevertheless Stella resigned herself to make the best of it, and it proved a poor best. She could not detach herself sufficiently from the sordid realities to lose herself in day-dreaming. There was not a book in the camp save some ten-cent sensations she found in the bunkhouse, and these she had exhausted during Charlie's first absence.

"Let's go to the school," she said, "and ask for Stella and Molly!" "Only one of them," amended King; "which one?" "Stella, then. We'll go to the front door, and we'll probably see the janitor, and we'll ask him to call Stella Martin down." "I think we'd better send for Molly." "No, Molly would make such a racket. Stella's so much quieter, and I don't want to make any trouble."

Amy was some little time, and presently she came on tiptoe to the door, a smile upon her face. 'Just come and look at her, she is sleeping so peacefully, she said in a whisper. There was a bright fire burning, and it passed through Stella's mind that Eva's sorrow did not prevent her from making herself comfortable.

With all his ingenuity, backed by the strong desire he had to find her, Ted was making no headway, and he hardly slept or ate during the long days and nights, but was in the saddle almost continuously. Naturally, he suspected Shan Rhue of knowing something about Stella's absence, if, indeed, he was not actually responsible for it.

Ralston nearly stumbled over a crouching, white-clad figure that rose up swiftly and noiselessly on the instant and resolved itself into the salaaming person of Peter the Sikh. He had slept across Stella's threshold ever since her bereavement. "My mem-sahib is still awake," he told her with a touch of wistfulness. "She sleeps only when the night is nearly spent."

Stella's gift was a dainty, little white-silk parasol, with a frill around it, which seemed to Marjorie the loveliest thing she had ever seen. "It's beautiful, Stella!" she exclaimed. "And I shall always carry it whenever I'm dressed up enough. I hope you girls will have your birthdays soon, so I can give you some lovely things, too."

He held out his hand to Ralston who took it and thumped him on the back by way of acknowledgment. "You're growing up," he remarked with approval, as Tommy went his way. "There is nothing more to be done," said Peter with mournful eyes upon the baby in the ayah's arms. "Will not my mem-sahib take her rest?" Stella's eyes also rested upon the tiny wizen face. She knew that Peter spoke truly.

"Go!" cried Clay, bringing down the red flag with a swish through the air. "Vamose!" Stella's clear young voice rang out. Then an amazing thing happened. Hatrack seemed to be suddenly galvanized into life. He straightened out, and shot to the front with great, long horizontal leaps. His body seemed to be gliding close to the earth.