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He clung to the hope of escaping his sufferings, whilst the attendant courtiers looked on approvingly, and begged me to lose no time. Presently the Gerad was sent for by the Amir, and after a few minutes I followed him, on this occasion, alone. Ensued a long conversation about the state of Aden, of Zayla, of Berberah, and of Stamboul.

This is the moment at which I must rise, descend hurriedly to the sea by grassy footpaths all wet with dew, and so regain my ship. Alas! in the days gone by, it was the cry of the muezzin which used to awaken me in the dark winter mornings, in far-away night-shrouded Stamboul. Chrysanthème has brought but few things with her, knowing that our married life would be of short duration.

It is always beautiful, always new; but of all times, I think the hour when the high sun illuminates most distinctly everything on land and sea is the time when Stamboul is most splendid and queenly. The great ferry-boat heaved and thumped the water, and swung slowly off the wooden pier, while we stood on the upper deck watching the scene before us.

I too have had just such morning dips one in Como, with the great cypresses standing black against the glow of an Italian dawn; another in the Lido at sunrise, my gondolier circling about me as I swam; still a third in Stamboul, with the long slants of light piercing the gloom of the stone dome above me but oh, the smell of the pines and the great sweep of openness, with the mountains looking down and the sun laughing, and the sparkle and joyousness of it all!

"Well, Turkish; the language of Roum. We look upon the Sultan of Roum and Stamboul as our greatest chief." "Oh, I say," cried Bob; "I can't stand this, you know. I thought you were a young Malay chief, and you are talking like a professor. Look here, Ali, is there any good fishing here?" "Yes, oh yes. I'll take you in my boat, and my men shall catch plenty." "No, no," said Bob.

As the launch put off, the elliptical figure of Abdul Said Bey, on the lowest step of the landing, speeded its departure with a gesture of ceremonious farewell fingers sweeping heart, lips and forehead. "If you go to shop in Stamboul," he shouted after them, "have a care. The pigs will cheat you all save Mohammed Abbas."

"Quite well!" Highness to me. "Are you well?" Answer. "Quite well, thanks!" The Consul now introduces business; and questions about my travels follow from His Highness "How do you like Persia?" "Have you seen Kerbela, Bagdad, Masr, Stamboul?" "Have the Turks many soldiers?" "How many has Persia?" "Is Persia fertile?" "How do you like Zanzibar?"

Then, toward midnight, with lights doused and life-belts strung along the rail for English submarines were in the Marmora we churned quietly round the corner of Stamboul and into the cool sea.

A couple of ruffians tried to rob me. Stamboul caught one of them." "Did he hurt him very much?" "I don't know he killed him before the fellow could scream, and I shot the other," replied the squire calmly. "What a horrible story!" exclaimed Mrs. Goddard, turning pale. "Come here, Nellie don't touch that dreadful dog!" "Do not be afraid he is perfectly harmless. Come here Stamboul!"

Take the advice of Angelo Kuprasso and avoid the streets after nightfall. Stamboul is no safe place nowadays for quiet men. I asked him to name a hotel, and he rattled off a list from which I chose one that sounded modest and in keeping with our get-up. It was not far off, only a hundred yards to the right at the top of the hill. When we left his door the night had begun to drop.