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They are building a new nunnery, I hear, in the main road; and they are going to set about a chapel, too, I'm told." "That won't hurt us," said the vicar, sententiously. He disliked sectarian disputes excessively, and always avoided them if he could. "But, don't you think," persisted Miss Spight, "that we ought to prevent this in some way?"

For Example, on the Vol. of Dialogues are two Cardinals washing the Pope's Hands under a Cloud that often bespatters them with Blood, signifying that in spight of all his Pretensions he has a Hand in the Broils of Italy. And before him the Sun setting in a Cloud, and a Blind Ballad-Singer making Sonnets upon the brightness of its Lustre.

Nothing could exceed the joy Horatio felt at this unexpected eclaircisement of his innocence, which was also doubled by the pleasure which, in spight of all her endeavours to restrain it, he saw sparkle in the eyes of his beloved Charlotta.

Never had she appeared so lovely as at this time; and the count de Bellfleur, in spight of his attachment to Melanthe, felt in himself a strong propensity to renew those addresses which her reserved behaviour alone had made him withdraw and carry to another; but the lady to whom for some days past he had made a shew of devoting himself was present, and he was ashamed to give so glaring an instance of his infidelity, which must in all probability render him the contempt of both.

Old ladies and gentlemen seemed to have been rigidly tabooed, with the exception, naturally, of our host and hostess, the vicar and his sister; for Lady Dasher, owing to some fortunate conjuncture of circumstances, was unable to come: Miss Spight was busy at home, entertaining an elderly relative who had suddenly thrown herself on her hospitality; while Mr Mawley was at Oxford enjoying the season with sundry dogmatic Fellows of his own calibre.

Each and all completed the harmony of the scene, affording us enjoyment in turn. Disgusted apparently with our merriment and frivolity, Miss Spight, shortly after we started, introduced a polemical discussion. "My dear sir," said she to the vicar, our captain and coxswain in chief, who stately sat in the sternsheets of the gondola, "don't you think Romanism is getting very rife in the parish?

Being in that extent above foure leagues from the ground, we sunke downe above the one halfe of the legge in the Ice, and must advance in spight of our teeth. To leave our booty was to undoe us. We strived so that I hurted myselfe in so much that I could not stand up right, nor any further. This putt us in great trouble. Uppon this I advised my brother to leave me with his slide.

But it happens many times, that the Women through length of time, do take upon them, and grow to be so free, that they will be solely and totally Master; and if their husbands through kind-heartedness have given them a little more then ordinary liberty, they will have the last word in spight of fate.

The family was in their dead sleep when Ascyltos took our fardels on his shoulders, and getting through a breach in the wall, which he had formerly taken notice of, came to the village by break of day, and meeting no one to stop him, boldly enter'd it and came up to our chamber; which the guard that was upon us, took care to secure; but the bar being of wood, he easily wrenched it with an iron crow, and waken'd us; for we snor'd in spight of fortune.

If Lady Dasher, sitting on an upturned form in a corner, like a very melancholy statue of Patience, was not sufficient to prevent the prudent proprieties from being outraged, there was, also, the "model of all the virtues" present Miss Spight a lady of a certain age, who, believing, as the kindly beings of her order do, that there was too large a flow of the milk of human kindness current in the world, deemed it her mission to temper this dispensation by the admixture of as much vitriol and vinegar as in her lay: she succeeded pretty well, too, for that matter, in her practice and belief.