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The flowers are double white and with the pleasant, but not heavy, scent of P. microphyllus. P. Lemoinei Gerbe de Neige bears pleasantly-scented flowers that are as large as those of the well-known P. speciosissimus. There is an erect form of P. Lemoinei named erectus that is also worthy of note.

If we compare any of the Phyllocactuses with Cereus triangularis, or with C. speciosissimus, we shall find that the flowers are precisely similar both in form and colour, and sometimes also in size. In all the kinds the stem is compressed laterally, so as to look as if it had been hammered out flat; or sometimes it is three-angled, and the margins are deeply notched or serrated.

The history of this plant is not known; but it is supposed to be a hybrid between C. Pitajayi or variabilis and one of the scarlet-flowered Phyllocactuses, or, possibly, C. speciosissimus. It first flowered at Kew, in July, 1870.

If planted in baskets, it should be potted in a porous loamy soil, and kept moist in the summer and perfectly dry in winter. Summer. Peru. Introduced 1690. Mag. 3822. This is supposed to be of hybrid origin, a Mr. Mallison having sent it to Dr. Lindley to be named, and stating that he obtained it by fertilising flowers of C. speciosissimus with pollen from C. flagelliformis.

It would be useless to attempt such a cross as Epiphyllum with Cereus giganteus, because of their widely different natures; but such crosses as Epiphyllum with Phyllocactus, and Cereus flagelliformis with C. speciosissimus, have been brought about.

This forms a stout bush 10 feet high, and as much through. There are two varieties, P. grandiflorus laxus, and P. grandiflorus speciosissimus, both distinct and pretty kinds. P. HIRSUTUS. North America, 1820. Another handsome, small-flowered species, of dwarf growth, and having hairy leaves.