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The spiral contraction of tendrils is quite independent of their power of spontaneously revolving, for it occurs in tendrils, such as those of Lathyrus grandiflorus and Ampelopsis hederacea, which do not revolve.

In the flowers of Cactus grandiflorus and Cistus some of the stamens are perpetually bent to the pistil Nyctanthes and others are only fragrant in the night; Cucurbita lagenaria closes when the sun shines on it Tropeolum, nasturtian, emits sparks in the twilight Nectary on its calyx Phosphorescent lights in the evening Hot embers eaten by bull-frogs

We placed the table, chairs, pens, ink, paper, etc., in order. Watching our opportunity, we drew aside a heavy box in which grew a noble specimen of the cactus grandiflorus in full bloom, the gorgeous flowers just opening with the sunset, and filling the chamber with their delicious perfume.

One sort of the cactus known as the cereus grandiflorus blooms only in the night; the frail flower it bears dies at the coming of morning. The cochineal insect of Mexico and Central America is solely nurtured by the native growth of cacti. The yucca palm, fifteen to twenty feet in height, with its large milk-white cluster of blossoms, resembling huge crocuses, dotted the expanse here and there.

This forms a stout bush 10 feet high, and as much through. There are two varieties, P. grandiflorus laxus, and P. grandiflorus speciosissimus, both distinct and pretty kinds. P. HIRSUTUS. North America, 1820. Another handsome, small-flowered species, of dwarf growth, and having hairy leaves.

A large-flowered and very beautiful species, rivalling, in the size and fragrance of its blossoms, the gigantic night-flowering Cereus grandiflorus. It grows to a height of about 2 ft., with round-based branches, the upper portion flattened out and the margins serrated.

In the size and fragrance of its blossoms, and also in the brilliancy of its colours, this species rivals C. grandiflorus; differing in the following particulars: the tube is covered with large green, crimson-edged scales instead of small brown scales and white hairs; the sepals do not spread out in a star-like manner, as in C. grandiflorus, and they are tinged with crimson; the stem of the plant shows a bluntly triangular section, and the angles are marked with a row of distant spines instead of the clusters of spines and wool in C. grandiflorus.

Flowers as in Cereus grandiflorus, 8 in. to 10 in. across, very fragrant; petals white; sepals yellow, brownish outside. Branches three-angled; flowers with short, linear, incurved sepals; petals long, broad, arranged like a tube, colour salmon-red. Flowers 6 in. long and broad, nodding, white. Branches three-angled; flowers large, sepals bright purple; petals broad, purple, tinged with scarlet.

In the Botanical Magazine it is stated that the flowers of this species are equal and even superior to those of C. grandiflorus; but we have not seen flowers such as would bear out that statement.

Flowers as large as those of C. grandiflorus; tube covered with tufts of white hairs; sepals or outer whorl of segments bright orange, the inner pure white, and arranged like a cup. They open at about seven o'clock in the evening, and fade at seven on the following morning.