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The overlord had just given him soul-stirring proof of his affection, half in jest as Harlan realized, remembering the occasion for it, but it was none the less gratifying. Madeleine Presson had looked at him with strange, new interest in her gaze when the General spoke out.

"We shall be brought together again, for surely God cares for us." "Yes, that is true," he said, and dried his eyes. All was silent. It was a deep, solemn, soul-stirring moment. All at once the canary bird began to sing a song the song which father and daughter recognized at once as the one which the Count had composed and taught his children. No one else had ever heard it or played it.

Fast friend as keen fighter, the strife glow preferring, Yet cheery all round with his friends and his foes; Content through a life-story short, yet soul-stirring And happy, as doubtless he'd deem, in its close." Thus Punch, as it often does, voiced the sentiments of the nation on learning the death of its hero. There are not many English abroad this morning on the top of the hill.

In many respects it is superior to our waking body in sensitiveness of mood and feeling, in keenness of vision, in the sense of peace, comfort and happiness, and also in subtlety of thought. But in one respect it is weaker, namely in the control of passion. Once kindled to passion -in grief, in joy, in rapture, in every soul-stirring emotion it very speedily grows beyond control.

That he should have got over his service quickly was not a matter of surprise, nor was it wonderful that there should have been no soul-stirring matter in his discourse as he had two sermons to preach every week and to perform single-handed all the other clerical duties of a parish lying four miles distant from his lodgings.

Miss Mangan's marriage, which alone would have made an epoch, was fixed for Thursday, December 12th; but this, it need scarcely be said, was a matter that, though soul-stirring, was devoid of the element of surprise. Not so, however, was the sudden evacuation of Mount Music.

While Kossuth was addressing his audience at Pittsburg, a special envoy from Massachusetts arrived, Mr. Erastus Hopkins of Northampton, one of the Representatives of the State Legislature. Hopkins' credentials to be read; upon which that gentleman said: "Mr. President, after the soul-stirring proceedings of this afternoon, I dare hardly venture to obtrude upon your attention.

Such heart-warming, soul-stirring examples of Bahá’í initiative and enterprise; such splendid testimonies to Bahá’í solidarity, perseverance, courage, fortitude, and self-sacrifice, displayed in rapid succession, and over so immense an area of the globe’s surface, and in the face of mounting opposition on the part of those who envy the ever widening glory of the Faith or fear the influence of its all-pervasive power, have shed on the opening chapter of this Crusade a luster which the passing of time can never tarnish.

On the other hand, we should have missed the grandest and most soul-stirring display of radical theories, practically applied, that has as yet lightened the darkness of this country. But although Mr.

I must own that I felt a pang of sadness when I saw tears well up in the innocent eyes of sweet maidens and saw the fires dimmed in the black orbs of lovely matrons whom I had held often in my arms to the measure and tuneful melody of the fantastic wild fandango; musical Andalusian strains which words cannot describe soul-stirring, enchanting, promising and denying, plaintive or jubilant, songs from Heaven or wails from the depths of Hades.