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I have been surprized that Horace should cavil at this art in Homer; but indeed he contradicts himself in the very next line: Indignor quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus; Verum opere in longo fas est obrepere somnum. I grieve if e'er great Homer chance to sleep, Yet slumbers on long works have right to creep.

"'Hujus Nympha loci, sacri custodia fontis Dormio dum blandae sentio murmur aquae; Parce meum, quisquis tanges cava marmora, somnum Rumpere; sive bibas, sive lavere, tace."* "Nymph of the grot, these sacred springs I keep, And to the murmur of these waters sleep: Ah, spare my slumbers; gently tread the cave, And drink in silence, or in silence lave."

They were warm believers apparently in the doctrine of moderation in all things, which after all is one of the most valuable prescriptions of modern hygiene: “Curas tolle graves, irasci crede profanum, Parce mero, coenato parum, non sit tibi vanum, Surgere post epulas, somnum fuge meridianum.”

Some drank till they were intoxicated; others swallowed the steaming blood of the cattle slaughtered for their suppers, and then, being sick from drunkenness, they cast it up again, and were besmeared with filth and gore. Nam simul expletus dapibus, vinoque sepultus Cervicem inflexam posuit, jacuitque per antrum Immensus, saniem eructans, ac frusta cruenta Per somnum commixta mero.

In a word, there is a touch of blackguardism in the city circles, which phase could not with any justice or propriety be applied to the country parties. But it is time to go home. The moon is waning: suadentque cadentia sidera somnum, if only there were any hope of being able to be persuaded by their reasonable suggestions. But truly the town seems to afford little hope of it.

Is it quite true that, "non avium citharaeque cantus somnum reducent"? Would not even Damocles himself have forgotten the sword, if the lute-player had chanced on the notes that lull? The dinner was simple enough, but well dressed and well served. One footman, in plain livery, assisted Mr. Mills.

Iam vero videtis nihil esse morti tam simile quam somnum. 81 Atqui dormientium animi maxime declarant divinitatem suam; multa enim, cum remissi et liberi sunt, futura prospiciunt; ex quo intellegitur quales futuri sint, cum se plane corporis vinculis relaxaverint.

Or on the contrary, if he had in him a certain Proportion of Good, he should be dispatched into Heaven by a Passport from Pleasure, there to dwell with Happiness, Virtue and the Gods. No. 184. Monday, October 1, 1711. Addison. ... Opere in longo fas est obrepere somnum ... Hor. When a Man has discovered a new Vein of Humour, it often carries him much further than he expected from it.

"I don't doubt it," said my father, ruefully; "only those doves, when they are small, are a very noisy sort of birds non talium avium cantos somnum reducent. However, it might have been worse. Leda had twins." "So had Mrs. Barnabas last week," rejoined the accoucheur. "Who knows what may be in store for you yet? Here's a health to Master Caxton, and lots of brothers and sisters to him."

"I don't doubt it," said my father, ruefully; "only those doves, when they are small, are a very noisy sort of birds non talium avium cantos somnum reducent. However, it might have been worse. Leda had twins." "So had Mrs. Barnabas last week," rejoined the accoucheur. "Who knows what may be in store for you yet? Here's a health to Master Caxton, and lots of brothers and sisters to him."