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They had mischief in their eyes, and as they caught sight of Slim's humorously pathetic countenance, one of them muttered in a low but distinct voice: "How'd you like to have some fried sausage, and some plum pudding, and some " "Shut up!" bawled out Jerry with what strength he had left. With a loud laugh the two withdrew their heads and disappeared.

"I pretended I wanted to touch her up with color and carried her away from the Council Rock, and the Captain came right along, so I had to do it, and the minute I was through he insisted on carrying her back and I couldn't object without rousing his suspicions, so back she went. Now Slim's sitting and leaning his head against her."

"And Jack, did you find him? tell me all about it." "See yeah," answered Slim, "I ain't goin' to say nuthin' to nobody till I see Mrs. Payson." "Oh, pshaw!" pouted Polly; "not even me?" "Not even what I've got to say she must heah first. I'm kinder stiff if you don't mind, I'll set down a spell." Slim's face was drawn and worn.

"Dunk Whittaker'd better not try to monkey with me, by golly!" Slim's face was lowering. "And he'd better not monkey with the Flying U either. I'd pump him so full uh holes he'd look like a colander, by golly!" Weary got up and started to the door, his face suddenly grown careworn.

"What about 'Slim'? Was he shooting when he got it?" The other man shook his head. "This Lindsay man claims he was. I talked wit' a bull afterward. Dey didn't find no gun on 'Slim. The bull says there was no gun-play." "What became of 'Slim's' gun?" "Search me." Durand slammed a big fist exultantly down on the desk. "Better than the way I planned it.

She stepped close to him and dropped a slim hand on his burly shoulder. "Ain't Slim a pal of yours? You and him, ain't you stuck together through thick and thin? He thinks you didn't win that coin square. Is Slim's friendship worth two hundred to you, or ain't it? Besides, you ain't lying down to nobody. Why, you big squarehead, Phil, don't we all know that you'd fight a bull with your bare hands?

"I'll tell him you'll come." And he was out of the window. As usual, I had recourse to Slim. "Why, you did put some on your chest, didn't you?" was Slim's question. "Yes, but nothing came of it." "Well, I believe you can go pretty well anywhere with that, if you think you can." "Can I fly, then?" "No, I should say not; I mean, if you couldn't fly before, you can't now." "How do you fly?

Slim's taunting, devilish face, corpse-like in its pallor above his black beard, was all Bruce saw as he sprang for his throat. He backed him against the door and held him there. "You miserable dog I ought to kill you!" The words came from between his set teeth. He drew back his hand and slapped him first on the right cheek, then on the left.

"Thought you heard me coming." "I believe you did it on purpose," Jerry growled, as the other youth again started off. "I'll send in my card first next time," was Slim's parting remark. "Well, be sure to make yourself known," retorted Jerry, "or I might mistake you for a Boche and send in a bullet."

A calf bolted from the herd, and a "hold-up" man pursued it vindictively, swearing by several things that he would break its blamed neck only his wording was more vehement. A cinder got in Slim's eye and one would think, from his language, that such a thing was absolutely beyond the limit of man's endurance, and a blot upon civilization.