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"If Billy Holcomb had only give us a leetle more time, Hite," came a voice, "we'd had things fixed up slicker'n they be; but she won't leak a drop, that's sartain, and if this here Mr. Thayor hain't too pertickler " "Billy allus spoke 'bout him as bein' humin, Freme," returned his companion, "and seein' he's humin I presume likely he'll understand we done our best.

But you-all slapped down the stuff in a stampede, sartin you had him buffaloed. On his last shuffle he'd straightened the queen and turned down the eight, usin' an extra finger or two. Them card sharps have six fingers on each hand and several in their sleeve, and he was slicker'n I thought.

"It was your deal all right, and you-all dole them right, too. Well, I ain't kicking. I'm like the player in that poker game. It was your deal, and you-all had a right to do your best. And you done it cleaned me out slicker'n a whistle." He gazed at the heap on the table with an air of stupefaction. "And that-all ain't worth the paper it's written on.

Trevison answered, and he and the Judge walked forward to meet Levins at the crest of the slope. "Slicker'n a whistle!" declared Levins, answering the question Trevison put to him. "I mailed the damn letter an' come back on the train that brought it to him!" He grinned felinely at the Judge. "I reckon you're a heap dry an' hungry by this time?" "The Judge has feasted," said Trevison.

"That's a good un! You done that slick! An' the old fellow b'lieved yer, too! Couldn't 'a lied out'n it slicker'n that myself!" "There was no lying about it," answered Ted, fiercely, flushing redder than ever. But Will replied more calmly: "What we told Mr. Hand was the exact truth, Will Hen. You can just bet we didn't want to let him in for that. No, sir-ee!

Lordy, Boy, thar wuz er man that wuz er man! Ye couldn't a made no jackleg carpenter outen him " He paused and cast a sly wink at Nancy as she bent over her knitting. "Tell me about him?" the Boy cried. "Yessir, Dan'l Boone wuz a man an' no mistake. The Indians would ketch 'im an' keep er ketchin' 'im an' he'd slip through their fingers slicker'n a eel.