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This picture of the scene at the line was characteristic of Polynesian warfare. It is almost exactly like the meeting of armies long ago in Palestine and Syria, and before the walls of Troy. Goliath slanged David grossly, threatening to give his body to the fowls of the air and the beasts of the field, and David retorted in kind.

Challenger is no chicken, but even he was cowed. He managed to struggle to his feet, and yelled out at them to have done with it and get it over. I think he had gone a bit off his head at the suddenness of it, for he raged and cursed at them like a lunatic. If they had been a row of his favorite Pressmen he could not have slanged them worse." "Well, what did they do?"

"Then rose the cry of women shrill As shriek of gosshawk on the hill." Never were my ears so stunned. The angry authors in the adventures of Gil Blas, were nothing to the disputants in the kennel at Charing Cross; we rowed, swore, slanged with a Christian meekness and forbearance, which would have rejoiced Mr.

Behind her came the bee who had been slanged by the Guard. "What is the world like, Melissa?" said a companion. "Cruel! I brought in a full load of first-class stuff, and the Guard told me to go and be foul-brooded!" She sat down in the cool draught across the combs. "If you'd only heard," said the Wax-moth silkily, "the insolence of the Guard's tone when she cursed our sister.

"Then rose the cry of women shrill As shriek of gosshawk on the hill." Never were my ears so stunned. The angry authors in the adventures of Gil Blas, were nothing to the disputants in the kennel at Charing Cross; we rowed, swore, slanged with a Christian meekness and forbearance, which would have rejoiced Mr.

"Quite so, Madam," I said, but I felt I was blushing with shame at hearing one of my own sex so slanged by a woman. That sort of thing would never do with us. And yet there was something about this woman something weirdly authoritative. She showed rather well in the morning light, her gray eyes crackling as she talked.

But they made friends and treated each other, and slanged the proprietor and ragged the pretty girls; while Rickie, as each wave of vulgarity burst over him, sunk his head lower and lower, and wished that the earth would swallow him up. He was only used to Cambridge, and to a very small corner of that. He and his friends there believed in free speech. But they spoke freely about generalities.

There was a young man of whom I made a note; he was such a beautiful specimen of his class. Sometimes he was very facetious, chattering, joking, punning, showing off; then, as the game went on and he lost and had to pay the consommation, he dropped his amiability, slanged his partner, declared he wouldn't play any more, and went away in a fury.

Something did happen when I caught that reporter and gave him our story." "I'll say so," Cub "slanged" wisely. "We'll all have to take our hats off to you, tee-hee." "Hal hasn't tee-heed for twenty-four hours in my hearing," Mr. Perry said reprovingly. "That's right, Cub," declared Bud. "A little while ago I heard him laugh right down deep from his lungs."

She would have "slanged" the Emperor himself with the self-same coolness, and the Army had given her a passport of immunity so wide that it would have fared ill with anyone who had ever attempted to bring the vivandiere to book for her uttermost mischief. "By the way!" she went on, quick as thought, with her reckless, devil-may-care gayety. "One thing!