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She rode five steps away from him, and pulled up again. "Of course you want me to tell dad you have a a guest at Sinkhole camp?" Johnny gave a little start, opened his lips and closed them. Opened them again and said, "You'll suit yourself about that as usual." If she thought he would beg her to keep this secret or any other, she was mistaken. "Oh, thank you so much.

If it didn't work, Johnny would not be on the Rolling R pay roll any longer, but Tex would not have lost anything. It would be convenient to have Johnny down at Sinkhole Camp, shirking his job while he fiddled around with his flying bug. Tex believed he knew how he could keep the bug very active, and Johnny very much engrossed with it down at Sinkhole Camp.

Tex knew that any suspicion on the part of the line rider at Sinkhole, or any failure on his part to report every evening, would be the signal for Sudden to sweep the Sinkhole range clean of Rolling R horses. He had worried a good deal because he had forgotten to tell his confederates that they must remember to take care of the telephone somehow, in case Johnny was lured away after the airplane.

Still, he took the cigar which Sudden obediently surrendered, and he got down off his horse and stood with one spurred foot lifted to the second step of the porch while he felt in his pocket for a match. "Well, now, Bill's in a hurry, Mary V. We haven't got time " "You'd better take time, then! What's the use of Bill going off to Sinkhole unless he listens to me first?

"Well, you always argue and disagree with a person. Besides," she added vaguely, "you weren't there. And I can't be riding every day to Sinkhole." "You could have seen me when I took those last horses back the other day," Johnny reminded her. "You did see me, only you pretended to be blind. Deaf, too, for I hollered hello when I passed, and you never looked around!" "Did you?"

Several times during summer rambles I cast my eye about, but they were not to be seen. Early this afternoon I struck out across the country towards a sinkhole in a field two miles away, some fifty yards in diameter, very deep, and enclosed by a fence. A series of these circular basins, at regular distances apart, runs across the country over there, suggesting the remains of ancient earth-works.

"Jerusalem!" Sudden paid tribute to the tale. But Bill said a shorter word. "And which one of my " "And it was right after that," Mary V went on calmly, "that you found your man at Sinkhole talking with a very bad cold. The second night, I I was curious. And so after you had called him up, I called him. I had to wait a few minutes, as though he had to come into the house to answer.

Still, his youthful dignity had been very much hurt, and by Tex as much as the other boys. He gave him a supercilious glance. "I don't know where you get the idea that I'm a quitter," he said pettishly. "First I knew that a bunch of rough-necks could kid me out of a job. Go down to Sinkhole yourself, if you're so anxious about that camp.

He had ridden half way to Sinkhole without knowing it, and now his horse had stopped, facing another horse whose rider was staring curiously at Johnny. This was Pete, on his way in from Sinkhole. "Say-y! Yuh snake-bit, or what?" Pete asked. "Ridin' glassy-eyed right at a feller! If my hawse had been a mite shorter, I expect you'd of rode right on over me and never of saw me.

Johnny was seeing a real, military airplane in his possession, cached away in some niche in the lava wall to the west of Sinkhole a wall that featured queer niches and caverns and clefts. He was seeing what wonderful things was Johnny not seeing? "Like them buried treasure," Tomaso's brother went on purring comfortably to Johnny's doubts. "The hombre what finds, it belongs to him, you bet.