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Select a healthy animal that does not give very rich milk, such as the Holstein. She should have what green food she wants every day, grass in summer, and hay of the best quality and silage in winter. The grain ration should be moderate, for cows that are forced undergo quick degeneration. They are burned out. The cow should not be worried or whipped.

In order to do this, the field needs a shifting fence, so that the hogs can be driven from one section to another never letting the hogs eat too closely, as they will kill off the stand. Size of a Silo. I am planning to build a silo 8 feet high and 10 feet across. The silo you are intending to build is too shallow, and would hold only a very small amount of silage.

In such cases care must be taken not to let the plant stand too long for the sake of reaching an ideal condition in the head which for lack of favorable growing conditions the plant may not be able to reach. Rye for Hay. When is the best time to cut rye for hay, and how should it best be handled? Would it be well to cut it up and blow it into the barn, and would it do all right for silage?

A cow can consume four tons of silage in 180 days and more or less as you care to feed, so by figuring out how long you will probably feed, you can see the size of silo to build at once. Soiling Crops in California. What are the dates for planting crops to be used for soiling in your State? We are using Indian corn and sorghums of various kinds for soiling to a certain extent.

It may sound far-fetched to some to advocate keeping animals happy in order to get them to produce much and give quality products, but it is good science and good sense. Happy cows give more and better milk than the mistreated ones. The singing hens are the best layers. Cows should have fresh green food all the year, and this can be obtained in winter time by using silage.

They can be taken from the field, or from piles made under open sheds in which the beets may be put because more convenient for feeding than to take them from the field in the rainy season. Beets put whole into a silo would not make silage.

There would be several inches loss of silage before you could start feeding, and you would have to feed at least two and probably three inches off per day in order to keep the food from spoiling. Sixty inches of silage would thus only last about twenty days. Also, the deeper a silo is, the tighter the ensilage is packed and the more will be contained in a cubic foot.

Irrigate in a furrow between the rows about once a month; cultivate after each irrigation. Corn Growing for Silage. With fair cultivation, will an acre produce about 10 tons of ensilage without fertilization it being bottom land? How should it be planted? the rows closer together than 3 feet, or should it be planted the usual width between rows, and thick in the rows?

We would not feed oftener than twice a day: night and morning. Chas. Goodman. Sugar Beets and Silage. Will sugar beets keep in a silo and how sugar beets rank as a hog feed? Sugar beets would probably keep all right if stored in a silo just as they might if kept in any other receptacle, but it is not necessary to store beets for stock-feeding in this State.

I didn't know how close you were selling off " "Don't say me selling! Why, I got silage to run my cow brutes all winter, what with the dry feed in them cañons " Lee didn't hear the rest. It had been his intention to come in and smoke with the boys, and perhaps play a game of whist. Anything to keep from thinking.