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"Seem to be enjoying themselves!" remarked other sightseers, surprised and envious. "Girl seems to be a bit out of it," remarked others, more observant. "Sulky-looking bit o' goods, I call her," remarked some of the ladies. The fortitude with which Miss Bulstrode bore the mysterious disappearance of her brother excited admiration.

With Sir Charles sometimes, but more often with her aunt, Miss Felicia most enthusiastic, diligent and ingenuous of sightseers she visited buildings of historic interest, galleries of statuary and of pictures.

Presently Bert and Harry came out and lowered the tent flap, first making sure all the little sightseers were outside. "They're comin'!" exclaimed Freddie, clapping his fat hands. "Oh, I'm just so nervous!" whispered Flossie! "I hope none of the animals will get loose."

Wise sprawls in his bunk reading silly novels he brought with him, when he isn't playing checkers with the Doctor." "'Tis a bad season to be coming down to The Labrador," suggested Barney. "Though there's fog enough in July and August, we're having fine weather too, with plenty of sunshine. 'Tis then the passengers are with us, with now and again sightseers from the States.

If the English could only hear how they are spoken of abroad they might confine themselves for a while to remedying the fact; and perhaps even when that was done, give us fewer of their airs. The young ladies, the graces of Origny, were not present at our start, but when we got round to the second bridge, behold, it was black with sightseers!

And about a month ago, seeing things clearing up before me, I asked him to meet me here at Tent City he's interested in new towns; he's employed by a rich man to plant hardware-stores, and I thought he might find an opening here. He came on, and was here several weeks with a party of sightseers from Chicago; but he left with them about a week ago." Willock sat suddenly erect.

In an instant the box was thrown open with a bang, and before the mandarin and his friends, before the eyes of all the sightseers the young man, strong and whole once more, stepped forth and bowed, clasping his hands and giving the national salute. For a moment all were silent.

The charming octagonal little building on the right with its encircling arcade is the church of S. Fosca, now undergoing very thorough repair: in fact everything that a church can ask is being restored to it, save religion. No sea cave could be less human than these deserted temples, given over now to sightseers and to custodians who demand admittance money.

Taking rank amongst the pleasant places of the metropolis, they attracted, on 'open days, crowds from every quarter of the town ladies and gallants from Soho Square and St. James's Street, from Whitehall and Westminster; sightseers from the country and gorgeous alderwomic dowagers from Cheapside.

But whether he lacked staying powers or confidence, he made the mistake of adopting another and less fatiguing means of locomotion. Duchemin saw him swerve from his first course and steer for a vehicle standing at some distance evidently the conveyance which had brought the sightseers to view the spectacle of Montpellier-le-Vieux by moonlight.