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"Really, Laura, I am not sure that I should enjoy myself seeing you crawl about those ladders like a spider or climbing ropes like a sailor or turning on a trapeze like a monkey or otherwise making yourself ridiculous." "Oh, Mother!" half-laughed Laura. Yet she was a little hurt, too. "Aw, Mother, don't sidestep your plain duty," said Chet, his eyes twinkling. "Chetwood!

He devoted himself to the horses. "Lots of them," she urged. Still he did not reply. "Now, haven't they?" "Well, it wasn't my fault," he said slowly. "If they wanted to look sideways at me it was up to them. And it was up to me to sidestep if I wanted to, wasn't it? You've no idea, Saxon, how a prizefighter is run after.

Well, there's a pair of 'em now!" "Do you mean it. Will you stick with me if I try to knock West out, so he won't be able to play football again for weeks? Are you game, or do you mean to egg me on to the last ditch, and then sidestep, leaving me to shoulder all the blame?"

We inherit it, all rounded in its perfection, consummate in its charms, but it is finished, and what can we do about a thing that is finished I Doesn't it seem that we are back in the old position of Isabella d'Este eager, predatory, and "thingy"? And isn't it time for us to pull up short lest we sidestep the goal?

"I was just thinking myself," he said, feeling not for the first time how different Billie was from the majority of those with whom his profession brought him in contact, "how flat it all was. The show business I mean, and these darned first nights, and the party after the show which you can't sidestep. Something tells me I'm about through." Billie Dore nodded.

Clay caught him off his balance, using a short arm jolt which had back of it all that twenty-three years of clean outdoors Arizona could give. The gangster hit the pavement hard. He got up furious and charged again. The Arizonan, busy with the other man, tried to sidestep. An uppercut jarred him to the heel.

You set me aside for a silly purpose of your own a matter that really doesn't mean much to you. It shows me where I stand in your eyes and nothing between the devil and the moon shall make me sidestep!" They remained silent, staring at each other.

"Because.... But you wouldn't understand if I told you." "I suppose not. I'm not much good splitting sentimental hairs. But Maitland must have been pretty decent to you to make you go so far.... Speaking of which, where are they?" "They?" "Don't sidestep. We understand one another. I know you've brought back the jewels. Where have you stowed them?"

You know very well that I do not approve of many of these modern dances. I certainly do not 'sidestep'" "That isn't a dance, Mother," giggled Laura. Her husband chuckled at the other end of the table. "My dear," he said, suavely, "you should keep up with the times " "No, thank you. I have no desire to.

As Treadwell leaped forward, both fists in battery, Dave took a swift, nimble sidestep. He felt that he had to study this big fellow carefully before doing more than keep on the defensive. Now footwork was one of the fighting tricks for which Darry was famous. Yet he had too much courage to rely wholly upon it.