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After that they all went away and were married, and lived many years happily together. The Two Brothers Sicilianische Malirchen. L. Gonzenbach. Long ago there lived two brothers, both of them very handsome, and both so very poor that they seldom had anything to eat but the fish which they caught.

And in a moment the fire caught him, and he was burned up. Then the fairest in the world held out her hand to Ciccu and smiled, saying, 'Now we will be man and wife. So Ciccu married the fairest in the world, and became king of the country. Don Giovanni De La Fortuna Sicilianische Mahrchen

And they twined themselves about her and darted poison into her veins, and she died, and no man regretted her. The Story of Ciccu From Sicilianische Mahrchen. Once upon a time there lived a man who had three sons. The eldest was called Peppe, the second Alfin, and the youngest Ciccu. They were all very poor, and at last things got so bad that they really had not enough to eat.

The man then turned into a hen, and began to search for the grain of barley, but this again changed itself to a pole-cat, and took off the hen's head with a single snap. The wizard was now dead, the pole-cat put on human shape, and the youth afterwards married the girl, and from that time forward let all his magic arts alone. The Golden Lion Sicilianische Mahrchen. L. Gonzenbach.

'Now, said he, 'you must each of you tie a stone to your necks, so that you may be sure to go deep enough, for I found the pigs that you saw very deep down indeed. Then the robbers all tied stones round their necks, and jumped in, and were drowned, and Master Joseph drove his pigs home, and was a rich man to the end of his days. The King Who Would Have a Beautiful Wife Sicilianische Mahrchen.

How the Hermit Helped to Win the King's Daughter Sicilianische Mahrchen Long ago there lived a very rich man who had three sons. When he felt himself to be dying he divided his property between them, making them share alike, both in money and lands.

As soon as he heard this he sprang out into the water with the ladle for the fishes, but he just got leave to stay there with them! The Cunning Shoemaker Sicilianische Mahrchen. Once upon a time there lived a shoemaker who could get no work to do, and was so poor that he and his wife nearly died of hunger.

Sicilianische Mahrchen von Laura Gonzenbach. Leipzig, Engelmann, 1870. Long ago there lived a rich merchant who, besides possessing more treasures than any king in the world, had in his great hall three chairs, one of silver, one of gold, and one of diamonds. But his greatest treasure of all was his only daughter, who was called Catherine.