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This latter temple is supposed, from a bas-relief found in it, representing the Sibyl sitting in the act of delivering an oracle, to be the ancient shrine of the Sibyl Albunea mentioned by Horace, Tibullus, and Lactantius. The earliest bronze statues at Rome were those of the three Sibyls, placed near the Rostra, in the middle of the Forum.

You speak like the Cumaean sibyls, or as if you were rendering oracles at your temple in Corinth." "Had Hebe a temple at Corinth? Sardini never said so." "But Apollodorus says so. It was an asylum as well as a temple. But come back to the point, and pray do not elude it. What you said is opposed to all the laws of geometry.

As we sat in the chapel there were clouds flitting across the sky; when the clouds came the pictures vanished; when the sunshine broke forth the figures sadly glimmered into something like visibility, the Almighty moving in chaos, the noble shape of Adam, the beautiful Eve; and, beneath where the roof curves, the mighty figures of sibyls and prophets, looking as if they were necessarily so gigantic because the thought within them was so massive.

Peter’s in Rome; a great vault, in fresco, with its circuit and curvatures of arches, and a façade, in which M. Angelo divinely made us understand and divided into histories how God first created the world, with many images of Sibyls and figures of exceedingly great artistic beauty and artifice.

And so was Persephone, who must be always either in heaven or hell; and Hecate, who was one thing by night and another by day. The Sibyls were females, and so were the Gorgons, the Harpies, the Furies, the Fates, and the Teutonic Valkyrs, Nornies, and Hela herself; in short, all representations of ideas obscure, inscrutable, and portentous, are nouns feminine." Heaven bless my father!

Nine compositions, carrying down the sacred history from the creation of light to the beginning of sin in Noah's household, fill the central compartments of the roof. Beneath these, seated on the spandrils, are alternate prophets and sibyls, twelve in all, attesting to the future deliverance and judgment of the world by Christ.

Ten large figures of children forming brackets under the figures of Prophets and Sibyls, at the springing of the arches between the windows. Twenty-four bronze-coloured colossal figures filling up the spaces in the architectural framework. Thus, the vault may be regarded as a gallery of one hundred and forty-five separate pictures by Michael Angelo.

For some reason, the twelve figures are not prophets and sibyls alternately there being only five sibyls to seven prophets, so that the prophets come together at one angle.

One is round and the other oblong, and the round one has been called the Sibyls', though now it is getting itself called Vesta's the goddess who long unrightfully claimed the temple of Mater Matuta in the Forum Boarium at Rome.

They are ranged in artless attitudes round the upper half of the room the sibyls, the prophets, the philosophers, the Greek and Roman heroes looking down with broad serene faces, with small mild eyes and sweet mouths that commit them to nothing in particular unless to being comfortably and charmingly alive, at the incongruous proceedings of a Board of Brokers.