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They particularly mention its suitability for roadside avenues, and affirm that its leaves are never devoured by caterpillars, and that the stems are not subject, to the canker which frequently ruins the elm. The name Orme de Siberie, which is or was commonly applied to Zelkova crenata in French books and gardens, is doubly wrong, for the tree is neither an elm nor is it native of Siberia.

Tous ceux que j'ai consultés par la suite m'ont cependant assuré qu'elle était coupable. Voyage en Sibérie, i. 227. Lord Kames says: 'Of whatever indiscretion she might have been guilty, the sweetness of her countenance and her composure left not in the spectators the slightest suspicion of guilt. She was cruelly knouted, her tongue was cut out, and she was banished to Siberia.

"Dans ces mêmes dépôts sableux et souvent limoneux, gisent les restes des grands animaux de l'Inde: ces ossemens d'éléphans, de rhinocéros, de buffles monstrueux, dont on déterre tous les jours un si grand nombre, et qui font l'admiration des curieux. En Sibérie, l'on

This work is worthy of the name which it bears: it is full and particular on the physical and moral geography of Siberia, but especially on its mines and iron foundries. Voyage en Siberie, 1761. Par Chappe d'Auteroche. Paris, 1768. 3 vols. 4-to. This work gave rise to a severe attack on it, under the title of Antidote.

Recherches Historiques sur les Principales Nations Établies en Siberie. Paris, 1801. 8vo. This work, translated from the Russian of Fischer, displays a great deal of research, and is not unworthy of an author who imitated Pallas, Gmelin, Müller, &c. Recherches sur les Principales Nations en Siberie. Traduit du Russe de Stollenweck. 8vo. Description de Kamschatcha. Par Krascheninnikof.

D'Auteroche's object on his travels was principally scientific, but he has entered fully into the character of the inhabitants, and especially those of the capital, and into the character, and intellectual and moral state of the Russians in general. Relation d'un Voyage aux Monts d'Altai en Siberie, 1781. Par Patrin. Peters. 1785, 8vo. Mineralogical.