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"I asked Willy Losely what he meant to do with his son, and hinted that I might get the boy a commission in the army without purchase. "'No, said Willy. 'I know what it is to set up for a gentleman on the capital of a beggar. It is to be a shuttlecock between discontent and temptation. I would not have my lost wife's son waste his life as I have done.

Thus, since war was in a measure declared between the Regent's authority and that of the Parliament, the orders emanating from the one were disputed by the other, and vice versa. A nice game of shuttlecock this, which it was scarce likely could last long! The Regent was determined to be obeyed. He prohibited, therefore, the printing and posting up of the decree of the Parliament.

How thou didst make me laugh sometimes, my sweet angel! When it had been raining, thou didst float bits of straw on the gutters, and watch them pass away. One day I gave thee a willow battledore and a shuttlecock with yellow, blue and green feathers. Thou hast forgotten it. Thou wert roguish so young! Thou didst play. Thou didst put cherries in thy ears. Those are things of the past.

For the purpose of developing the chest, physiologists generally concur in recommending fencing as a good exercise for boys. Shuttlecock is a very beneficial exercise for females, calling into play, as it does, the muscles of the chest, trunk, and arms. It ought to be practiced in the open air.

So! here was a small fact suddenly grown big, since, despite all evidence to the contrary, it brought me back to my old belief that this fair, laughing Yolanda was none other than the great Princess of Burgundy. I was sure that she had gained all her information concerning Max from my letters to Hymbercourt. It racks a man's brain to play shuttlecock with it in that fashion.

"Your majesty," said the prince, timidly and imploringly, "I beg pardon a thousand times for being so awkward. I am sorry, and I will be more careful in the future." "My dear lord and king," began the prince again, "I beg you will have the goodness to give me my shuttlecock." The king was silent, and with apparent indifference commenced reading over what he had written.

What he heard, on the whole, was very like this 'hubble-bubble-rubble-dubble the great match of shuttlecock played between the gentlemen of the north and those of hubble-bubble the Methodist persuasion; but ha-ha-ha! a squeeze of a lemon rubble-dubble ha-ha-ha! wicked man hubble-bubble force-meat balls and yolks of eggs rubble-dubble musket balls from a steel cross-bow upon my hubble-bubble throwing a sheep's eye ha-ha-ha rubble-dubble at the two remaining heads on Temple Bar hubble-bubble and the duke left by his will rubble-dubble a quid of tobacco in a brass snuff-box hubble-bubble and my Lady Rostrevor's very sweet upon rubble-dubble old Alderman Wallop of John's-lane hubble-bubble ha-ha-ha from Jericho to Bethany, where David, Joab, and rubble-dubble the whole party upset in the mud in a chaise marine and hubble-bubble shake a little white pepper over them and rubble-dubble his name is Solomon hubble-bubble ha-ha-ha the poor old thing dying of cold, and not a stitch of clothes to cover her nakedness rubble-dubble play or pay, on Finchley Common hubble-bubble most melancholy truly ha-ha-ha! rubble-dubble and old Lady Ruth is ready to swear she never hubble-bubble served High Sheriff for the county of Down in the reign of Queen Anne rubble-dubble and Dr. and Mrs.

"Will your Excellency confess likewise?" I demanded. "So I will, Richard, and make patent to all the world that she hath the remains of that shuttlecock, my heart." My lady drops a mock curtsey in return. "Your Excellency can do no less than sue for a dance," drawled Dr. Courtenay. "And no more, I fear, sir, not being so nimble as I once was. I resign in your favour, doctor," said Colonel Sharpe.

Every one has heard of "Bunch," the "little garden-girl, shaped like a milestone," who "became the best butler in the county"; of the gaunt riding-horse "Calamity," which "flung me over his head into a neighbouring parish, as if I had been a shuttlecock, and I felt grateful that it was not into a neighbouring planet"; and of the ancient carriage called "the Immortal," which was so well known on the road that "the village-boys cheered it and the village-dogs barked at it" and surely remembrance should be made, amid this goodly caravan, of the four draught-oxen, Tug and Lug, Haul and Crawl, even though "Tug and Lug took to fainting, and required buckets of salvolatile, and Haul and Crawl to lie down in the mud."

"No," said Loveit, "to be sure it does not signify; but one does not like to be called Little Panado: besides," added he, after going a few steps farther, "they'll all think it so ill-natured. I had better go back, and just tell them that I'm very sorry I can't get their shuttlecock; do come back with me." "No," said Hardy, "I can't go back; and you'd better not."