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"No," answered the man, "but we may; keep a bright look-out, Teddy, and let me know what you see." The Irishman inclined his head to one side, and closed one eye as if sighting an invisible gun. Suddenly he exclaimed, with a start: "I see something now, sure as a Bally-ma-gorrah wake." "What is it?" "The sun going down in the west, and tilling us we've no time to shpare in fooling along here."

"Why! what's up?" he queried with a crestfallen air, as he beheld Slavin's angry, worried countenance. "Damnation!" muttered the latter softly and savagely to Yorke. "This means another thrip tu Calgary wid this 'bo' an' me not able tu shpare ye just now. Fwhat wid all this other bizness I'd forgotten all 'bout him. An' we'd vagged him sooner Ridmond might have taken th' tu av thim down tugither.

"Dot ish so, but I dinks dot I leafes her go mit you to Dunbarton, if she can shpare her moder." Mr.

He iss not ferra shtrong; ovver he vurks like a shteam-inchyine." "I haven't seen him for many a day," said Dr. Sevier. The baker distended his eyes, bent his enormous digestive apparatus forward, raised his eyebrows, and hung his arms free from his sides. "He toandt kit a minudt to shpare in teh tswendy-four hourss. Sumptimes he sayss, 'Mr. Reisen, I can't shtop to talk mit you. Sindts Mr.

Slavin's face cleared and he emitted a weary sigh of relief. "As you will, yeh're Worship," he said. "T'will be helpin' me out, tu . . . yeh undhershtand?" His meaning stare drew a comprehensive nod from Gully. "I have not a man tu shpare for escort just now." He turned to the hobo. "Fwhat say yu', me man?" was his curt ultimatum, "Fwhat say yu' tu th' kindniss av his Worship?

I'm about the lightest of us, I think." "So ye are an' the horse'll take ye like a bird," said Murty. "Don't shpare him, Mr. Wally, if ye think ye can do any good. He's over there under the big wattle." "Right-o!" said Wally. "Tell Mr. Jim, will you, Murty?" He turned and ran down the hill with long strides.