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I believe he has sheered off, and left me here in the stays." Mrs. Grizzle, who could not help taking some notice of this manifestation of chagrin, lamented her unhappy fate in being so disagreeable to him, that he could not put up with her company for a few moments without repining; and began in very tender terms to reproach him with his inhumanity and indifference.

The boat-puller obeyed, taking a turn around the little forward thwart and paying the line as it jerked taut. The boat sheered out with a rush, and the hunter steadied it to a parallel course some twenty feet from the side of the Ghost. "Now, get that sail down and come alongside!" Wolf Larsen ordered. He never let go his rifle, even passing down the tackles with one hand.

"The other brings a great mutton fist down on the table, and makes all the glasses dance. 'You stay at your moorings till I come back, says he. 'I have got something belonging to you, Jem Green, and he sheered off. The others lay to and passed the grog.

How would she bear to be all her life under orders? in 'closer' guardianship? and there the word 'sweeter' flashed in, confusingly. But that was not business. Did she that is, could she like him well enough to like to give up her own way? Answer, a prompt negative. Never! Not if she liked him ten times more than but it is awkward dealing with unknown quantities: Hazel sheered off.

Stumbling through twilit woods and across fields of young barley, we met a great dog-fox en route for someone's poultry-run. He bared his teeth with angry effrontery as he sheered off and gave us a wide berth across the darkening fields. Doubtless he claimed his supremacy of hour and place, as did the sheep-dog that passed us so joyously earlier in the day.

His gray face looked ghastly in the dim moonlight which began to struggle through the fog wreaths. When Cuthbert leaped lightly ashore hard by the bridge, and Jacob sheered off again in the darkness, he felt as though he were out alone on the black river, with only a corpse for company.

Two or three times they had to cross the torrent in order to get on to fallen rocks on the other side to that which they were following. These passages demanded the greatest caution. In each case there were rocks showing above water in the middle of the channel. One of these was chosen as most suited to their purpose, and by means of the ropes a canoe was sheered out to it.

And each time the wolf sheered off, in a sweeping curve, still keeping the lone hound under careful observation. Wolves are very acute judges; desperate fighters for their lives and when driven by hunger, but at no time really brave. If Jan had fallen by the way, these two would have been into him like knives.

Only a few hundred rods of the river could be seen. In front of Hare the current was swift but not broken. Above, where the canyon turned, the river sheered out with a majestic roll and falling in a wide smooth curve suddenly narrowed into a leaping crest of reddish waves.

"I 'll promise at once. I'll never marry Mr. Holmes. I've already told him I won't marry him." Surprise relaxed his grip. She took swift advantage and sheered away to the other side of the table. He rose and brought down his hand with a thump. "You refused him? Why, you silly little baggage, my condition is that you should marry him. You're sweet on him aren't you?" "I detest him," cried Phyllis.