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Carlsen talked sense. Here you are on the road to a fortune. I'll see yore share's a fair one. There's plenty. It ain't a bad billet you've fallen into, my lad. But I'll look out for ye. I'm sort of responsible for yore trip, ye see, matey. And I'll need ye." He lowered his voice mysteriously. "Yo're a writer, Mister Rainey. You've got brains. You can see which way a thing's heading.

"But," interjected Vickers, quickly, "not your share in the last development." "My share's been to see that the thing was up, and that if I wanted to save them all, I'd best put a stop to it," rejoined Addie, with a grim smile. "I tell you, I didn't know what they'd been up to until today. I was in England never mind where wondering what was going on.

The wheel twitched almost imperceptibly in Disko's hands. A few seconds later a hissing wave-top slashed diagonally across the boat, smote Uncle Salters between the shoulders, and drenched him from head to foot. He rose sputtering, and went forward only to catch another. "See Dad chase him all around the deck," said Dan. "Uncle Salters he thinks his quarter share's our canvas.

"Your share's four dollars," continued the madam. "Is that all!" cried Susan, jeering. "A bum joint! Oh, there's my five the man gave me as a present." "Yes yes," quavered the madam. "And another man gave me a dollar." She looked round. "Where the devil is it?" She found it in a fold of the spread. "Then you owe me twenty altogether, counting the money I had on me." She yawned.

We'll stay on here together to the end of the term my share's paid, and besides, I'm not going to do anything sensational. Next year we'll see." While Pierson was having his final cigarette before going to bed he looked up from his book to see before him Scarborough, even more tremendous and handsome in his gaudy pajamas.

Sandy Bowden 'ill hae me i' my grave yet afore my time, as share's I'm a livin' woman. There's no' a closed e'e for me this nicht; an' there's Sandy awa' till his bed wi' his airms rowed up in bits o' an auld yellow-cotton apron o' Mistress Mikaver's mither's. Eh, sirce me; an' me was so happy no' mony 'oors syne!

Both are preoccupied with boosting the share's price rather than the company's business. Hence the inflationary executive pay packets. Shareholders hire stock manipulators euphemistically known as "managers" to generate expectations regarding the future prices of their shares.

"It's not necessary," said a thick voice. "We quarrelled over the estate. My share's mortgaged up to the limit, and Lewis refused to lend me more even until I could get Isabelle happily married. Now Lewis's goes to an outsider Harrington, boy, take care of Isabelle, fortune or no fortune. Good " Someone seized James Langley's arm as he pressed an automatic revolver to his temple.

"Well, what of it? Isn't it yours?" "One share's mine, the rest yours and Dick's." "He needs it more'n I do." "Ford, did you know Dick was real bright?" "'Cute little chap as I ever saw. Why?" "Well, he ought to go to school." "Why don't he go?" "He does, except in summer. He might go to the academy if they'd take him and he had money enough." "What academy?" "Why, Grantley, of course.