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Then followed a dark melancholy individual, the utility man, whose waistcoat of figured worsted was much frayed and whose "tooth-pick" collar was the worse for the journey. He preceded a more natty person in a bottle-green, "shad-belly" coat, who strove to carry himself as though he were fashionably dressed, instead of wearing clothes which no longer could conceal their shabbiness.

It will serve us best to see Elim Meikeljohn first as he walked across Winthrop Common. It was very early in April and should have been cool, but it was warm already there were some vermilion buds on the maples and Elim's worn shad-belly coat was uncomfortably heavy.

I could hear the phrases, "Here he comes!" "Yon's him!" "Here comes the major!" This was not needed to proclaim to all present, who was the individual in the green "shad-belly." The beautiful dome of Saint Charles itself was not better known to the citizens of New Orleans than was Major B , the celebrated auctioneer.

It is true, that the Anti-Slavery, like all good causes, has produced some recreants, but the cause itself is no more to be blamed for that, than Christianity is for the malconduct of any professing hypocrite, nor the society of Friends, for the conduct of a broad-brimmed hat and shad-belly coated horsethief, because he spoke thee and thou before stealing the horse.