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And heavens, how I did try to behave, and talk smartly and sensibly, showing off like a boy. I remember it still. Then suddenly Froken Elisabeth seemed to remember it wasn't proper for her to stay out here with us any longer, and so she went.

To them even victory would mean for many months a loss of luxuries for the family, it might be of comforts; and defeat, which would come not until after long conflict, would mean not only straitened means but actual poverty, with all the attendant humiliation and bitterness which would kill for them the joy of life and sensibly add to its already heavy burden.

"How would you have me take it?" "Why, just just sensibly. You know I told you that that the other never could be never." "I know YOU said so; but I believed otherwise." "But I told you I did not love you that way." Bertram winced. He rose to his feet abruptly. "I know you did, Billy. I'm a fool, of course, to think that I could ever change it. I shouldn't have come here, either, this morning.

Except at times, in the single case of Mme. de Sevigne, all three far more sensitive than the rest of the world were yet not sensitive enough to feel equally the less sharp communication of joy. They claimed, owned, and felt sensibly the pangs and not the pleasures of the absent.

"You can return home, Hans," said Mr. Mayor, very sensibly mollified in his manner. "Should there be occasion for your further services, I will send for you. Now gentlemen," as soon as the door closed on the constable, "I will satisfy you that old Peter Cuyler can cover a table, and feed his friends, even though Guert Ten Eyck be so near a neighbour.

You know I said so." "I know you did," said Magsie ruefully. "But I don't see what she can do!" "Well, she can refuse to give him his divorce, can't she?" Billy said sensibly. "But CAN she?" Magsie was obviously not sure. "Of course she can!" "But she doesn't want him. I went to see her " "Went to see her? For heaven's sake, what did you do that for?"

Hast thou not done more than most daughters, in giving me all the property that remains to thee here?" "Speak not of it, dame," answered Eveline, "though it is Miles' gift, for he desired me to give it thee." "Oh! dame, do not disturb my young lady more, for if you get her crying, think how her eyes would look," here interposed Prudence, very sensibly.

As the French are in general better acquainted with the Romans than the Greeks, we might expect the Roman pieces of Voltaire to be more consistent, in a political point of view, with historical truth, than his Greek pieces are with the symbolical original of mythology. This is, however, the case only in Brutus, the earliest of them, and the only one which can be said to be sensibly planned.

Fox, that the Emperor was sensibly affected at the index it afforded of the principles by which the British Cabinet was actuated. Napoleon did not limit himself to this diplomatic courtesy; he deemed it a favourable occasion to create a belief that he was actuated by a sincere love of peace.

Made but eleven miles, and was then obliged to send ahead and make fires every three miles; notwithstanding which, the cold was so intense that some of the men had their noses, others their fingers, and others their toes, frozen, before they felt the cold sensibly. Very severe day's march. January 8.