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He told Dad that Nanca had not been married to the artist that she was a mother and not a wife and Dad believed it. I told him patiently enough that there is no ceremony among the Seminoles that the man goes forth to the home of the girl at the setting of the sun, and that he is then as legally her husband as if all the courts in Christendom had tied the knot. Dad can not see it.

In 1815, after the war was over, Colonel Nichols again visited the Seminoles, who were disposed to be hostile to the United States, as Colonel Nichols himself was, and made an astonishing treaty with them, in which an alliance, offensive and defensive, between Great Britain and the Seminoles, was agreed upon.

Though the Indians could have lived comfortably in this country without much effort, the Seminoles did not choose to live in idleness. They saw the flourishing farms of the Spanish settlers and wished to have farms of their own. So it happened that when Osceola was a boy he saw the Indians around him make the beginnings of what they believed would be permanent homes.

"Have you ever thought that possibly there might exist larger and more highly organized creatures transparent to eyesight, yet palpable to touch? "Little Sprite Lake is the jumping-off place; beyond lie the Everglades, the outskirts of which are haunted by the Seminoles, the interior of which have never been visited by man, as far as we know.

The rebels in Georgia threaten us, the Tories at Pensacola warn us, the Seminoles are gathering, the Minorcans are arming, the blacks in the Carolinas watch us, and the British regiments at Augustine are all itching to ravage and plunder and drive us into the sea if we declare not for the King who pays them." Sir Lupus nodded, winked, and fell to slicing tobacco with a small, gold knife.

Now that the people of the United States owned Florida they wished to occupy the land, but the Seminoles claimed it. Many were unwilling to recognize the justice of this claim, however; for it was held that as the Indians were not native tribes but were Creeks they should be compelled to go back to Georgia and live with their kindred. This proposal gave the Indians great alarm.

The Seminoles, however, were not showing any haste about removing, and ninety of the white citizens of Alachua County sent a protest to the President alleging that the Indians were not returning their fugitive slaves.

Runners carried the news of him and of his power through tribe after tribe. He made long journeys, himself. In village after village, from the Seminoles of Florida to the Chippewas of the Canada border, from the Mingos of the Ohio River to the Blackfeet of the farthest upper Missouri, either he or some of his disciples appeared.

There are other motives which would urge the Government to pursue this course toward the Seminoles. The United States have fulfilled in good faith all their treaty stipulations with the Indian tribes, and have in every other instance insisted upon a like performance of their obligations.

"What Seminoles?" "Savages who frequent the prairies, and we deemed it prudent to give you an escort." "Pooh!" exclaimed J.T. Maston as he mounted his steed. "It is well to be on the safe side," answered the Floridian. "Gentlemen," replied Barbicane, "I thank you for your attention, and now let us be off." The little troop set out immediately, and disappeared in a cloud of dust.