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Although the boy was not a keen judge, he thought the bowsprit immensely long, and noticed what a narrow nose the seiner possessed. Early the next morning she put out. The weather was ugly, but the captain of the Shiner was a Gloucester fisherman, and he went slap down Boston Harbor with every inch of canvas set alow and aloft.

In his connsels let preside Wisdom, prudence, noble pride! Homely justice delling find! The emperor bowed his thanks to the audience, the orchestra commenced again playing the air, and the audience sang anew: "Lass von seiner Fahne Spitzen Strahlen Sieg und Furchtbarkeit!"

Nothing escapes. It draws together until it is a bag, a "purse" drawn up under the vessel's counter, full of glistening fish. The salmon is a surface fish, his average depth seldom below four fathoms. He breaks water when he feeds, when he plays, when he runs in schools. The purse seiner watches the signs. When the salmon rise in numbers he makes a set.

The way she'll walk to Gloucester'll Make a steamer look a raft. For she's the Lucy Foster, She's a seiner out of Gloucester, was the way the fishermen of the port used to sing about the Lucy; while Tommie Clancy was Maurice Blake's closest friend.

And arms and hands were lifted here and there beseechingly toward the emperor; in vain the orchestra tried to play on; the audience, with rare unanimity, as if seized with one sentiment and one wish, sang again and again: "Lass von seiner Fahne Spitzen Strahlen Sieg und Furchtbarkeit!" And then all shouted loudly, beseechingly, and withal angrily and courageously, "War! war!

By this time I should have gone home, I suppose, and had something to eat it was getting on into the afternoon but I didn't want to have a talk with my mother yet awhile, and so kept on to Crow's Nest, where I found half a dozen good-natured loafers. Not all were loafers exactly three or four were simply waiting around before shipping on some seiner for the mackerel season.

Superior equipment, special privilege, cold-blooded violation of law because it was safe and profitable, gave the purse seiner an unfair advantage. The men gathered in a little knot on the deck of one boat. They put their heads together and lowered their voices. MacRae knew they were angry, that they had reached the point of fighting fire with fire. And he smiled to himself.

Back behind us was another seiner. We could just make out that they were soaking it to her too. The skipper nodded his head back at her. Then, with one hand on the house and the other on the rail, he looked out from under our main-boom and across at the steamer. "Not a rag let the spars come out of her." One thing was sure the Johnnie was a vessel that could stand driving.

Briefwechsel zwischen Schiller und seiner Schwester Christophine, herausgegeben von W. von Maltzahn, Leipzig, 1875. Schillers Briefwechsel mit dem Herzog von Augustenburg, herausgegeben von Max Mueller, Berlin, 1875. Geschaeftsbriefe Schillers, gesammelt, erlaeutert und herausgegeben von K. Goedeke, Leipzig, 1875.

About the time that we left Cape Cod light astern and squared away for Thatcher's with Gloucester Harbor almost in sight with the rocks of Eastern Point dead ahead Clancy began to sing again: "Oh, a deep blue sky and a deep blue sea And a blue-eyed girl awaiting me Too-roo-roo and a too-roo-ree Who wouldn't a Gloucester seiner be?