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"Then, Rat, you and I will go with the party oursells this night, and see him in grips or we are done wi' him." "I seena muckle use I can be o' to your honour," said Ratcliffe, reluctantly. "Use?" answered Sharpitlaw "You can guide the party you ken the ground. Besides, I do not intend to quit sight o' you, my good friend, till I have him in hand."

'I maun hae my horse; there's nae co'ch till the morn's mornin. 'Gangna near the place. My father 'ill gie ye the gray mear no an ill are ava! She'll tak ye there in four or five hoors, as ye ride. Only, min' and gie her a pickle corn ance, and meal and watter twise upo' the ro'd. Gien ye seena the animal yere sure 'ill please her, gang further, and comena hame wantin 't. When Mrs.

But if ye put me to charges, I'se work it out o'ye. I seena why ye shouldna haud the pleugh, now that the pleughman has left us; it wad set ye better than wearing thae green duds, and wasting your siller on powther and lead; it wad put ye in an honest calling, and wad keep ye in bread without being behadden to ony ane."

"Then, Rat, you and I will go with the party oursells this night, and see him in grips or we are done wi' him." "I seena muckle use I can be o' to your honour," said Ratcliffe, reluctantly. "Use?" answered Sharpitlaw "You can guide the party you ken the ground. Besides, I do not intend to quit sight o' you, my good friend, till I have him in hand."

But if ye put me to charges, I'se work it out o'ye. I seena why ye shouldna haud the pleugh, now that the pleughman has left us; it wad set ye better than wearing thae green duds, and wasting your siller on powther and lead; it wad put ye in an honest calling, and wad keep ye in bread without being behadden to ony ane."

In common parlance, what one man is said to learn by experience, a man of extraordinary sagacity is said, without experience, to divine. The Arabians say, that Abul Khain, the mystic, and Abu Ali Seena, the Philosopher, conferred together; and, on parting, the philosopher said, "All that he sees, I know;" and the mystic said, "All that he knows, I see."