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L.F. Martial, in Mission Scientifique au Cap Horn, Paris, 1883, vol. i. pp. 183-201. Captain Holm's Expedition to East Greenland. More brotherhood is their specific against calamities. Dr. Dr. Rink, loc. cit. p. 24. Europeans, grown in the respect of Roman law, are seldom capable of understanding that force of tribal authority. "In fact," Dr.

Oh! yes, I will obey him, follow his impulses, fulfill all his wishes, show myself humble, submissive, a coward. He is the stronger; but an hour will come.... August 19. I know, ... I know ... I know all! I have just read the following in the Revue du Monde Scientifique: "A curious piece of news comes to us from Rio de Janeiro.

Those would be precisely the cases with which psychical research would deal. This conception of mental action forms, as will be seen, the foundation of the theory of dreams which Professor Bergson first presented in a lecture before the Institut psychologique, March 26, 1901. It was published in the Revue scientifique of June 8, 1901.

It is well illustrated, and written with admirable clearness. At the very commencement of his investigations M. OPPERT had called attention to the curious forms presented by certain characters in the oldest inscriptions. See Expédition scientifique de Mésopotamie, vol. ii. pp. 62, 3, notably the paragraph entitled Origine Hiéroglyphique de l'Écriture anarienne.

But when he came to take the weird twig he trembled with an ill-defined feeling of insecurity as to the soundness of his conclusions, and when he stood over the supposed rivulet the rod bent in spite of him, as was not so very strange. For, with all his vague scepticism, the honest lad had not, and could not be supposed to have, the foi scientifique of which Littre speaks.

Many experiments have shown to what point a collectivity may be subjected to suggestion. Among the numerous experiments made to prove this fact one of the most remarkable was performed on the pupils of his class by Professor Glosson and published in the Revue Scientifique for October 28, 1899. ``I prepared a bottle filled with distilled water carefully wrapped in cotton and packed in a box.

PLACE, Ninive, vol. iii. plates 24 and 31. "The painting," says M. OPPERT, "was applied to a kind of roughly blocked-out relief." De Longperier, Musée Napoléon III., plate iv. This palace was then inhabited for a part of the year by the Achemenid princes, of whom Ctesias was both the guest and physician. OPPERT, Expédition scientifique, vol. i. pp. 143, 144.

See Figuier, L'Annee Scientifique, 1862, pp. 353, 384. It should be observed that the venomous principle of poisonous mushrooms is not decomposed and rendered innocent by the process described in the note. It is merely extracted by the acidulated or saline water employed for soaking the plants, and care should be taken that this water be thrown away out of the reach of mischief.

Nos vacances commenceront probablement en aout, et je reglerai mes mouvements sur les votres. Je vous remercie de votre bienveillance pour l'Histoire des Animaux; je ne crois pas que nulle part le genie d'Aristote se soit montre plus grand, plus scientifique et, l'on peut ajouter, plus moderne. Entre lui et Linne, Buffon et Cuvier, il n'y a rien.

August 18. I have been thinking the whole day long. Oh! yes, I will obey Him, follow His impulses, fulfill all His wishes, show myself humble, submissive, a coward. He is the stronger; but an hour will come. August 19. I know, I know, I know all! I have just read the following in the "Revue du Monde Scientifique": "A curious piece of news comes to us from Rio de Janeiro.