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I find that what freedom means in the West is the ability of ignorant and fanatical persons to start some new, fantastical quirk of scriptural interpretation, to build a new cult around it, and earn a living out of it. My first contact with that sort of thing was when I went to the Battle Creek Sanitarium to investigate hydrotherapy, and found myself in a nest of Seventh-day Adventists.

There is a sanitarium there with a glorious view, and a delicious temperature ranging from 60 degrees to 75 degrees, while in the town and on the low lands it ranges from 80 degrees to 90 degrees. A sea breeze blows every day, and rain falls throughout the year, except in January and February.

"It's our only chance," Simpson argued, "and I don't mind saying that it's a pretty poor chance at that. Three years ago it might have been all right, because a conviction only meant a few months at a fashionable sanitarium, and then freedom.

They glanced at the young left end with no attempt to conceal their feelings of triumph. Bert looked much the worse for wear. Dick returned their looks coolly, but without defiance. He was angry only that he should have been cheated of his right to play in that big game. Then in came the elder Dodge, only just back from a sanitarium.

"Do you suppose there is a policeman handy?" "There is probably one somewhere around." "I wish you would hunt him up and bring him here." "What are you going to do?" "Dare the lion in his den; eh, Sam?" "Right, Tom! That doctor must know a good deal more than he is wiling to tell." The coach driver went off, and walking around to the front of the sanitarium the boys rang the bell sharply.

On the other hand, she did not want to leave the sanitarium until after Chester Hunt's promised visit to that institution. She found several letters awaiting her at the hotel. The host welcomed her cordially.

You can fix your boat up in time to go to Sandport to-morrow, can't you?" "Yes, I'm glad you reminded me of it. I'll telephone from the sanitarium, if they'll let me." Mr. Duncan was not at the institution, Tom was told, his injury having healed sufficiently to allow of his being removed to his home. The youth readily secured permission to use the telephone, and was soon in communication with Mr.

A bedroom adjoining his suite at the hotel was taken, and for two days I lived there, later accompanying him in his car to a famous sanitarium in Westchester, one in charge of an old friend of his, a well-known ex-wrestler whose fame for this sort of work was great. Here I was booked for six weeks, all expenses paid, until I should "be on my feet again," as he expressed it.

I heard some of it because it was in the middle of the day, and I had run down here from the sanitarium to fix up the laundry we'd forgotten early in the morning." "What did you hear?" "It was something about money. I didn't really try to listen, but I couldn't help hearing some of it, they talked so loud." "Yes?" "I got the idea that Miss Fulton wanted to borrow some money from Mrs.

"It looks a little as if I was reaching out into the sanitarium business. Are you acquainted by any chance with Mrs. Boutwell, who married a fellow named Waterford?" he asked, taking momentarily out of his mouth the cigar he was smoking by permission. Honora confessed, with no great enthusiasm, that she knew the present Mrs. Waterford.